"The meeting of the owls is a purse … in the presidential election"


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"The Owl is a community ... in the presidential election"

"It's an unfortunate response and it responds sensitively"

(Seoul = News 1) Na Hee Yoon | The legislators of the Democratic Party on the eve of the Electoral Commission held a meeting of lawmakers of the "Investigations" on March 3, 2010. Latest News

On the day of podcasting of Internet media Newbie, Senator Jeon Seol- Cheol said: "It is unfortunate that the phase of the party congress I was meeting sensitive and the problem was raised."

He described this meeting as a rally outside the end of government participatory. He said: "After the resignation of former President Roh, he began to clean up in 2008, and in the middle of the year he became an owl symbolizing the wise god" Athena. "He added : "Since then," he added.

He warned that he had no reason to organize because it was a "pro-Roh meeting (pro -Roh Moo-hyun) "and" he met as a friend "and" there is no consistent systematic reality. "

The former senator said," When we called him "Owl", I said, "It was night and we talked about playing the role of guardian of the president."

He said, "Suggest- Mr. Cho Jong-hwan, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism? "When the presenter asked him," One member suggested, "he said," I have never said who I am. am.

A former member of the House of Representatives said: "Regarding the fact that the" owl "we recalls the owl badociated with the death of former President Roh Moo-hyun, "I was a little embarrbaded to hear about the problem, I think there is a metaphorical significance. "

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