The Ministry of Information and Communication announced that 249 people complained of breach of duty


The Ministry of Science and Technology (MIC) announced on November 11 that 249 (99.2%) of the 251 participants in government-funded science and technology research institutes complied with the work ethic.

The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) will verify the results of disciplinary sanctions resulting from the violation of professional ethics resulting from the presence of the participant at the annual meeting to verify that:

First, we check the outcome of the disciplinary violation of the professional ethics of the participant at the government-sponsored scientific and technological research institute.

The first inspection objective of the Ministry of Information and Communication was the 21 researchers who participated in the society of the elderly in the last 12 years. These include KIST, GTC, Basic Assistance, KIIST, KISTI, Oriental Medicine, KIERI, ETRI, KI Construction, KIERI, STANDARD, KIYEI, Kimchi, JiNa, Included.

The measures taken by the research institute for offenders in professional ethics are based on the fact that each research institute investigated illegal actors related to financial institutions on 12 September,

The 9, 249 (99.2%) of the 251 participants in the violation of the work ethic by the Vulnerable Society were completed. In the event that she once again attended the blocked company, she proceeded to the elimination of measures relating to the personnel (attention, warning, discipline) and other administrative measures (limitation of the recommendation, limitation of the trip). business abroad,

In the future, the inspection team will continue to verify the results of investigations and audit results and disciplinary measures such as research irregularities, research fraud offenses and violations. from the work ethic of the Veterans Institute, until the end of December this year it is planned.

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