'The moon of Jupiter has 79'. – Find Jupiter Moon Galileo began four centuries ago


Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei searched the moon of Jupiter about 400 years ago.

The Carnegie Institute of the United States discovered 12 new moons around Jupiter, according to a report released Thursday. Dr. Scott Sheppard, a researcher at the Institute, said, "I observed a moon spin around Jupiter, observing the solar system.

With this discovery, the moon (or satellite) orbiting Jupiter rose to 79 in total. This is the largest number of planets in the solar system in terms of the number of satellites. Saturn found 56 more months after Jupiter.

The first discovery of the moon of Jupiter dates back to 1610. Galileo confirmed four months of Jupiter in January and March of this year. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. These four satellites are called Galilean moons in the name of Galileo, the first discoverer.

Amalthea, the fifth month of Jupiter, was discovered in 1892 after Galleo's death. The American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard found him. Amaltea only had a few hundred kilometers and needed more than 200 years after his first discovery. The new moon of Jupiter, discovered this time, is only 1 to 3 kilometers in diameter.

 Conceptual diagram showing the moon turning in orbit around Jupiter. There are three groups. [자료 카네기연구소]

A conceptual diagram showing the moon turning Jupiter. There are three groups. [자료 카네기연구소]

The moon orbiting Jupiter is divided into three groups. The four moons, called Galilean gates, are the closest group to Jupiter. The other two groups are divided into middle and outer groups. The newly discovered nine moons were found in a group of outer peripheries that rotate in the opposite direction of Jupiter's rotation. The other two were found in the middle group, which rotated in the same direction as the Jovian rotation direction.

The attention of researchers is centered on the nickname "geek". The mysterious moon, discovered in May, has been identified in the distant group, but it is in opposition to the other months. "If you take into account the orbit and direction, there is a high probability of collision with the other moon," Shepard said, "if there is a collision, the number of the moon of Jupiter will diminish. " It is thought that the newly discovered moon comes from a collision with a moon that surrounds the universe around Jupiter.

The moon of the planet's solar system has steadily increased over time as telescope technology, such as telescopes, grows. The discovery was made through a 4 m diameter Blanco optical telescope at the Cerro Torro Observatory in Chile. The United States, which operates astronomical observatories, recently improved the telescope's performance to observe dark matter, and the scope of astronomical observations has expanded accordingly.

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