The Nyoraijin fish market "marine products & # 39; is right … Daejeon in the singular –


Entry 2018.11.05 21:42
| Edited on 2018.11.05 22:19

On the night of May 5, merchants who opposed the demolition of the former fish market (former market) at the Noryangjin fish market in Seoul Yong-gu, Seoul, If the trucks carrying seafood day even are not able to enter the fish market, it is possible that aquatic products are closed in the metropolitan area on June 6. Nevertheless, the conflicts between the two parties end.

At 9 am, the river bank stopped supplying electricity and water to the old market. This is explained by the fact that the former traders are strongly opposed to the forced demolition following the decision of the Supreme Court. As a last resort, the Suhyeop party took steps to prevent traders from voluntarily dismantling. However, the old traders continue their activities in the dark with candles lit the same day. In some cases, the electricity not working, the oxygen supply to the aquarium was interrupted and live fish died.

On the 5th, at around 19:45, a car loaded with aquatic products to be sold at dawn on the Noryangjin fishing market entered, but the former trader failed to get in there.

More than 50 former traders who objected to the ban of the Suhwa Federation have occupied roads of a width of 35 m between the old and the new market. They protested: "The supply of oxygen is interrupted, the fish are dying, a serious interruption of activities", and some merchants are lying on the ground. In the evening, more than 70 merchants moved to the left about 400 meters to block new vehicles from the market. In order to prevent the entry of vehicles, the National Democratic Union (National Federation of Road Coalition) mobilized five trucks. The Seoul movement failed to face the resistance of former traders attempting to shoot a vehicle belonging to the Minsky League.

For this reason, shipping vehicles from all over the country do not enter the marine market to provide marine products to the wholesale market which is held at dawn the next day. At 9 pm, fishermen bring their aquatic products to the auction hall using a labor force and a forklift in a truck that has not entered the fish market.

At 19:45 in the night, when the transport vehicle slowly entered the fish market, 5 to 6 people of old merchants were placed in front of the wheel of truck 30. Services workers hired by the merchants tried to Attract merchants but failed. Other merchants sat on the ground with a sheet of silver and occupied the road. Around 9:20 pm, four loading vehicles tried to approach the wholesale market by taking the pbadage between the old market and the new market, without the merchants getting into it.

On the evening of May 5, when the crew members could not get out of the car normally, they set up a car on a nearby road and put the fish in their hands.

The former merchant, former mayor of Seoul, said: "We have left our lives, electricity and water, and we have left something that looks like our life." I will die here. When the water service staff member who was in charge said, "It's like a horse, it's a horse, it's XX." The merchants all shouted, "Get out." process, the two parties collided physically and one of the former merchants of the market collapsed and was transferred to a nearby hospital.

According to Suhpyeong, Noryangjin's fishing market is responsible for 45% of the seafood supply in the metropolitan area. "Around 300 pbadengers will be able to get to the market in the morning," he said. "About 300 pbadengers will be able to go to the auction, otherwise there will be a fishing crisis in the metropolitan area tomorrow."

On the 5th, traders who took steps in the old Noryangjin Fish Market opened candles in the dark.

In May 2015, the Suqiawon built a new market on the left side of the old market. When the old market buildings built 48 years ago were obsolete and the risks of falling rocks, accidents and collapses of parking were gradually increased, the fishermen decided to demolish the building. old market and create a thematic park on marine fisheries on this site. However, some traders said: "The area of ​​the seats has been reduced from 2 to 1.5 pyeong, but rents have increased." Although new markets were officially opened in March 2016, 41% of the 654 merchants on the market, 270, remained in the old market, opposed to the transfer to the new market.

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