The power reserve ratio dipped to 7% in two years … Butterfly effect caused by unusual heat


The power reserve ratio fell to 7%. According to the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KPS), the demand for electricity at 9:15 pm on October 24 was 9,175 million kW. It is 7.84% of the supply capacity (98.94 million ㎾). The reserve ratio has fallen to 7% after two years since August 8, 2016. If the reserve ratio is 10% or more, supply and demand are considered stable. The government is still able to manage it. However, the public's concern about whether another outage occurred six years ago is worsening.

  The state of the art power supply and demand monitor installed at the Korea Power Power Corporation Korea Power Corporation Corporation's electrical power office office in Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, in The afternoon of July 24, which has the worst of the worst, 2018.7.24 / NEWS 1

The state monitor of power supply installed at the office of the electricity service Korea Power Corporation's Korea Power Corporation in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, in the afternoon of 24, East posted The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced in December that the demand for maximum electrical energy this summer (the average demand for electrical energy for one hour consuming the most electricity during a day) is 87.5 million kilowatts. . At the time of the announcement, the government stressed that the demand for electric power was too low to support the logic of the nuclear power plant. In the electricity supply and demand measures announced on May 5, it was revised to 88.3 million kW. However, the 23's peak power exceeded 90 million kW for the first time in history, and on the 24th it broke another record with 924.8 million kW.

The main reason the government failed to predict was the weather. The Ministry of Industry, in response to the Korean Meteorological Administration's forecast, said that the months of June and August will be similar to or above normal and July will be similar. However, since the summer of 1994, which is considered the worst of the July story this year, the most extreme heat waves are taking place. The rainy season is also over sooner than expected. "The long-term demand for electric power is based on the economic growth rate (GDP), the price of electricity, the population and the climate, but when the next or the next two months are expected immediately, He said.

In case of power supply problem due to inaccurate demand forecasts, it is possible that the 9.15th power outage in 2011 will recur at any time. there, the government reduced the supply capacity to 70 million kW, considering that the demand was over for the summer season, however, while the daytime temperature in September climbed to 32 degrees Celsius (mid-summer) , the reserve power suddenly dropped to 3.34 million kW due to the sharp increase in the demand for electrical energy.

The failure to predict is a point to be underlined, but baduming that the worst is to calculate the demand too high. It is not economically feasible to outperform a power plant by focusing on peak demand, which peaks several times a year. For example, the preliminary rate of heat started on the 23rd day was 8%, but it reached 34% on the same Monday. This means that a third of the peak energy demand that day has stopped.

For this reason, the government is focusing on demand management instead of building more power plants. A typical example is demand reduction demand (DR). If the company reduces its electricity consumption, the government compensates it. Companies involved in R & D can reduce demand up to 4 million kW if they meet the demand. Two CDs were published last summer. We review this year, but it has not been published yet. It is also pointed out that even if the company emits DR, the reduction in actual demand is about 500 000 kW, and that the shortage of electricity caused by the nuclear power plant is pbaded on to the companies .

The president finally came out. On December 24, Moon Jae-in said: "The Ministry of Industry will reveal to the public the overall plan of supply and demand for electricity, prospects and opportunities. measurements." He has also responded to claims that have distorted the operation of the nuclear power plant. It seems to be a reminder that the report on the question of whether the supply and demand for electricity has been troubled by the recent nuclear power plant has been followed.

  President Moon Jae-in speaks at a cabinet meeting held in Cheongwadae on the morning of 20.20180724 Photo reporters of Cheong Wa Dae

President Moon Jae-in expresses it during from a cabinet meeting held in Cheong Wa Dae on 24.20180724 Photo reporters of Cheong Wa Dae

It's different from the fact that the government artificially increased the operation of nuclear power plants to increase supply . Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KEPCO) said it would try to restart Hanbit 3 and Hanul 2, which are currently suspended, before the peak period (from two weeks to three weeks in August). Hanbit 3, which began maintenance on May 11, originally planned to finish maintenance on August 9. Hanul 2 was also arrested after a sudden stop of the problem. The scheduled start of preventive maintenance for Hanvit 1 and Hanul 1 has already been adjusted since peak power in April. This means that the plan that was originally explained is not forced forward or reversed the maintenance period.

The nuclear power plant does not mean stop the nuclear power station now. On the contrary, the current number of 24 nuclear power plants will increase to 27 in the current government. Wolseong 1 is the only nuclear power plant to disappear from the current government.

However, it is worth considering whether there is a problem with the energy conversion policy, which is gradually reducing nuclear power, because the problem of supply and demand due to the heat wave can occur at any time. Professor Seo Gyun-ryul, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the Seoul National University, said: "Although the idea is to reduce the proportion of nuclear power plants and replace them with renewable energy some aspects were decided without public consensus. "He said.
Sejong = Jang Won-seok reporter [email protected]

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