The President of the Final Election reiterates the easing of regulations on the segregation of money


The Chairman of the Financial District Committee concluded that he was actively reviewing the easing of the segregation of money regulations required by the Internet Bank of Korea on March 23 .

"We are in close consultation with the National Assembly," he said, meeting with representatives of banking companies and FinTech companies, saying that "ICT companies are being encouraged to innovate in services. Internet banking. "

19659002] President Choi said on the 11th that he should attend the National Assembly debate and review the regulations on the separation of money.

On the 23rd, he said: "Banking experts and Internet banking for the activation of Pin Tech,

Special Law on Financial Innovation, launched in March by the Democrat Deputy Min Byeong-doo, and the Financial Regulations

<img src = "" alt = "On the 23rd, there was a meeting on-site to revitalize the Pin-takk ecosystem at the Pangyo Cacao Bank building in Gyeonggi-do. (From left to right) Kyebun Shim Sung-hoon, chairman of the finance committee, Yong-Woo Kim, chairman of the ministry of finance, Yongwoo Yoon and Yoon Ho-young, cocoa bank. [Photo: ZDNet Corée] (Photo left)

The system of segregation of money is a system in which the non-financial leader (industrial capital) has the right to vote

In the National Assembly, banks specialized in Internet trying to reduce the size of the banking system, (19659004)

It is proposed to increase the limit of voting rights of banks, which may belong to non-financial owners (industrial capital), from 4% to 34 ~ 50%. "I hope that the revision of the special law and the structure in which ICT companies can manage their responsibilities will be made possible," said Yoo Minso, president of Cacao Bank, a shareholder of the Cacao Bank.

In the end, the chairman of the finance committee, right from the start of the PinTech revolution, tries to create a regulatory system that supports him.

President Choi said, "The FinTech revolution is limited in accepting the existing regulatory framework because of the convergence of funding and non-financial," he said. "

" The Government will continue to push legislation to adopt a regulatory framework in the financial sector to create a regulatory framework to support the emergence of innovative PinTech services ", he said.

However, the last finance committee explained that before the amendment of the law, we should actively look for what we can do in the regulatory framework. "President Choi said:" Since the establishment of a professional bank on the Internet, the price and interest rate were affected as this relieved the inconvenience of the existing bank use, but this seems less effective that the existing bank.

"There may be legal issues that limit the participation of IT companies in the management, but that's not just waiting for the change in the law, but the Internet banks will continueto seek partnerships with PinTech,

The day of the on-site meeting, K-bank and Cocoa Bank, which are professional banks on the Internet, as well as PinTech, BankWare Global & # 39; & # 39; ; Daily Intelligence ',' The Chet ',' Paymint ', and' The Chet ',' Paymint & # 39; and & # 39; Life Guide & # 39; attended. FinTech representatives explained the company's atmosphere and introduced the company to the financial district's final chairman.

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