The production of photovoltaic electricity, Kangsu Gangsan, becomes rags – Kyungbuk Daily


The last day of heavy rains due to typhoon Pirpurun, the solar power production facilities of Mt. It is emphasized that landslides are often dangerous by cutting mountains at random (green, green and renewable energy should not be reconsidered on December 12, 2017. There is one. adverse effects of solar energy production, environmentally friendly, continue throughout the country.In the meantime, the village society of farmers and fishermen issued another rumor that it plans to install solar collectors on 3,400 tanks nationwide.This is an environmentally friendly energy policy of the government that is not concerned.

Under the name of eco -friendly, Kangsu Gangsan turns into rags, and on the 3rd, solar panels and trees, broken by the landslide of the Qingdao photovoltaic power plant, were mixed with Tosa to cover two-lane two-lane roads. that moment, he does not There was no traffic accident, but there were no casualties. This solar energy production facility is installed by a private company in 2015 and generates 2750 kW. Experts pointed out that it is the chips that severely cut the slope of the slope of the mountain regardless of the terrain during the construction of the solar energy production facility.

Even before that, in May, there was a collapse of the fortification wall and retaining wall of the solar power plant construction site because of the rain for two days in one of the Karma mountains in Gangwon-do. During the same month, there is rain in the Yeoncheon-gun mountains, Gyeonggi-do, and landslides occur in the solar plant's installation area, causing problems in various parts of the country .

Solar energy production facilities are a problem even though landslides are a problem, but they damage the forests and are randomly installed in the mountains. In Qingdao, where the landslide occurred this time, the place where the forest was originally lengthened, it is the place where the trees were arranged and the solar panel was installed and the good fortune of the people was bought.

According to the Nuclear Culture Foundation, a solar power plant producing 1GW of electricity equivalent to the first nuclear power plant should be 15 times (44km2) from the Yeoido area (2.9㎢). The government also estimated that 4.6 times (13.2 ㎢) of the Yeoido area is needed. The government solar power generation facility, which is environmentally friendly, has been covered with solar collectors nationwide.

Recently, another deleterious effect of sunlight is taking place. This is because reckless things happen about putting PV panels on tanks nationwide. Tanks all over the country are subject to unplanned solar development. Pohang City's Bouk-gu, Hwanghae-eup, Yongyun Reservoir is a representative example. In May of this year, a private company called on the tank to build a photovoltaic power plant. For this reason, the city of Pohang did not allow business because it could not harmonize with the surrounding landscape if there was an energy production facility. solar on the tank and that it could damage the natural environment. In response, a private company has filed administrative proceedings and is about to rule on the Supreme Court.

Thus, solar energy production facilities, which are environmentally friendly, have become a major source of destruction of forests and riparian environments. The government says that it has begun to check the safety of mountain photovoltaic installations across the country. The government must reconsider the solar energy itself, which ruins the landscape and the environment of the mountains and reservoirs.

<ⓒ 경북일보 &, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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