"The Q series is disqualified by Cadet Doris Chen", the player lied to a "declaration of conscience" – Herald economy


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During the LPGA Q series, Doris Chen and her mother, Lin Yu Gui, caused her daughter's ball to be sent into the OB zone at the finish area of ​​the car. [사진=골프위크]

[헤럴드경제 스포츠팀=노진규 기자] Cadet Doris Chen (Taiwan), who was disqualified for her mother's unscrupulous behavior in the Q series of the LPGA Tour, made a declaration of conscience. When Doris Chen lied in his favor, he went to correct it.

Chen's younger brother, Alex Valder, said in an interview with the US Golf Channel on Monday: "Doris did the wrong thing," he said. "I tell you the truth to do the right thing." "For the equity of all players who have worked hard for the Q series for a year," he explained.

The reason why Caddy Walder was so tired and called the golf channel directly was because Doris Chen had lied. In an interview with the golf course, Doris said: "I was very hurt and frustrated, I am not a fraudster, no one thought to deceive, I did not ask my family or friends to move the ball into the forest. "The cadet who saw this show was outraged and made a declaration of conscience.

Doris Chen distorted the fact and manipulated it for himself. Doris "shot a tee shot at the 17th hole and sent it to the tree, and the caddy, a volunteer, was looking for the ball, and then a crowd found the balloon. When I spoke to a woman living next to the fairway, she said, "Someone kicked the ball in the wrong place." I did not say that the original ball was in the area of ​​the obstacle.He also said that she did not move the balloon.He did not know what happened … Caddy is a witness, "explained the situation at the time.

Caddy Walder, however, said that what really happened was different from Doris' explanation. "When we were looking for a bullet with a volunteer, Doris's mother found the ball," said the woman who lives next to the fairway while she was preparing to enter the address of the next stroke. "The gallery has moved the ball," he said. "She said," she pointed to Doris's mother and said, "This person kicked the ball into the obstacle area."

"We did not know that the ball was in the OB zone," he said. However, the ball was very close to the OB zone and he knew that the person who had moved the ball was Doris' mother. He wanted to call the Tournament Commissioner. But Doris replied, "No, I'm just going to hit the ball." I said: "If you do not call a competitor, you will be disqualified." But I was very angry just to hit the ball. Going to the Green Hall 18, he said, "If you sign your score sheet, you risk being disqualified." But Doris did not listen to me and asked me not to talk about it. "

Doris Chen had a shot at the 17th hole of the 7th round of the LPGA Q-Series on the 4th. However, his mother, Lin Yu Kei, was disqualified after hitting the ball in the finish area. This was a violation of the osplay clause of the 15-3 golf rule. Caddy Warder worked on the LPGA and Simmetra tours, and it was the first time he was in front of Doris Chen.

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