The Qatar World Cup debut will take place in November


[조이뉴스24 이성필 기자] The Qatar 2022 World Cup will be held for the first time in November. It's the Winter World Cup.

FIFA President Gianni Inpantino said in a statement that he could not participate in the FIFA World Championships, "The Qatar World Cup opened on November 21, 2022 and will open the final on December 18th. "

The traditional World Cup was held in June early in the summer

Qatar launched a stadium air conditioner to lower its temperature and took its own measures, such as reducing the temperature from the air in mid-July.

The average temperature in Qatar in November-December was slightly higher than that of the video 27

However, this period is underway with the major leagues in Europe, so there will be a lot of opposition to come again.

At the same time, the K-League is also troubled, and the K-League will be held from March to November, and if the national team is in charge of the league,

It is difficult to consider only league K, and the Champions League of the Asian Football Confederation (ACL) and the FA Cup schedule of the Korean Football Association (FA) should be completed by the end of the month. The K-League must run according to the schedule of the two events. It is therefore possible that the league starts at the beginning of February.

An official of the Korean Federation of Professional Football said: "It is difficult to set a schedule for the K-League alone.

On the other hand, FIFA has decided to increase the number of countries entered the final phase from 326 to 48 at the 2026 World Cup, where the United States, Canada and Mexico co-hosted the World Cup.

S & P a system of 48 countries of the Qatar World Cup, Asia will now have a capacity of 4.5 seats that will be increased to 8.5, said Qatar .But it is said that there Chances are some matches will be played in neighboring Kuwait.

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