The quarter-finals of the World Cup are confirmed, winning a hot competition


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 황석조 기자] The 4th round of the 2018 World Cup in Russia is over. With only four teams in the European team leading up to the battle, a number of factors are arousing interest.

The 7th and 8th quarterfinals, the quarterfinals were confirmed, Belgium beating Uruguay and France beating Brazil. On the other hand, England defeated Sweden and Croatia, who beat host Russia, confirmed the battle. The two winners will face the final and the other two will take third and fourth place.

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France, proud of the superb members such as Grizzman, is after the World Cup championship. Photo = AFPBBNews = News1

It is said that teams that are able to climb in the strongest in Europe have climbed. France has been ranked among the best candidates since the pre-tournament. Deschamps, under the direction of director Jiru, Grissman, as the badysis of the strength of the stars has reached its peak. Belgium is also a strong challenger to the championship with a golden generation like Devrainer, Azar and Lukaku. Croatia, which has the best midfielders such as England, Modric and Lakitic, is also close to victory.

The winning World Cup experience is only in France and England. France won the championship in 1998, beating Brazil in the World Cup, and in 1966, ahead of England, dominated the championship in West Germany. In 20 years, France will challenge England in 52 years. Belgium and Croatia are on their first challenge. Belgium was ranked fourth at the 1986 World Cup in Mexico and Croatia ranked third in the 1998 World Cup in France.

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Belgium also challenges the world championship with the golden age as the main axis. Photo = AFPBBNews = News1

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