The reason I crashed three seconds after takeoff was the repair


The crash of the Marion helicopter, which cost the lives of five Marines, is a common misconception. At that time, the images on the closed circuit television showed that the helicopter had crashed 4 to 5 seconds after takeoff, when one of the rotating wings had d & # 39; first protrudes from the accident helicopter,

What is remarkable about this is the "vibration phenomenon". The media has been cautious about the possibility that the automatic vibration reduction device that relieves the strong vibration of gas by quoting experts does not work properly. If the vibration is severe, it affects all the helicopter and the wing can fall, to avoid this, I have installed an automatic vibration reduction device.

This badysis is all the more compelling as there was an emergency landing in November of last year when a helicopter on the helicopter took off. found an abnormality in the aircraft during the test flight.

In addition, Marion, an upgraded version of Surion, has the characteristic that the firmness of the wings is lowered and the fuselage is heavier. Indeed, the wings are folded so that they can take off and land on the traps, and two fuel tanks are added to allow infiltration and fireproofing treatment is also performed.

It should be noted that the collision of Marion 2 caused by the collision of the unmanned aerial vehicle of Korea (KAI) with the helicopter It was discovered just after delivery. Again, KAI engineers and Marine engineers performed the maintenance of the vibration phenomenon just before the test flight. And the purpose of the test flight was to check the vibration phenomenon.

If a defect is detected in a new product, it makes sense that the manufacturer returns the product or asks the buyer for a recall first. Helicopter accidents are more likely to result in mbadive disasters.

KAI and the military authorities, however, did not take such action, but rather followed the test flight. Why did he do it?

If KAI proceeded to the recovery and inspection of Marion 2, Marion's additional sale was delayed until the problem was solved. Or revised. The price of Marion, an improved version of Surion, exceeds 30 billion won. If you deliver 28 units by 2023 as planned, arms sales will be around 1 trillion won. KAI's profit logic does not go beyond the security and logic of life, but it's a must.

Marion's early power was also a wish of the Marine Corps. This is because the Marine Corps Air Force will have its own aviation power in 45 years after the 1973 Marine Corps Command was disbanded and dissolved in the Navy.

Reflecting these wishes, Marion's power reminded me of a speed battle. It was decided to put it on power in May 2016, just 16 months after its first flight in January 2015. This was unusual compared to the general practice of flying a test flight of about five years.

The key point of the investigation should be to identify these problems. It is necessary to disclose why the KAI and the Marine Corps ordered the helicopter to make a sudden and sudden flight test without taking the measures back and forth from the helicopter, In this context, it is not appropriate that the Marine Corps be responsible for the investigation team. This is because it corresponds to an actor. On the other hand, the Blue House said 18: "Currently, the performance and competence of the Korean version of Surin (the prototype of Marine On) is the highest level in the world," he said. said. But the freezing problem that the real listeners have reported has been completely improved.

However, this is a very inappropriate statement.It is because the phrase expression that there is no problem in the gas when the cause of the accident is not revealed is dangerous for the fault of the driver.

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