The Seoul Library will hold the "Communication Film Festival" on June 25


Documentary documentary on North Korean refugees "Old Marine Boy" screened and met the public

  Communication Film Festival Poster_Source Communication Film Festival Poster_Source 0
Festival Poster communication movie.

The Seoul Library announced on the 20th that it will co-host the "2018 Communication Festival" at the Dongbaemun Megabox at 7 pm on the 25th.

This year, it was promoted as the one of the book-reading support projects for North Korean deserters in Seoul, which has signed a trade agreement.

The documentary film 'Old Marine Boy & # 39; (2017), who is the main character of the North Korean defectors,

'Old Marine Boy & # 39; enters the sea and catches fish and seafood is the extreme work 'Muguri & # 39; as a family, Is the father responsible for the livelihood of the North Korean defectors?

I received a request from 200 people who participated in the first festival on the site of the city last month.

Seoul Library Director Lee Jung-soo said, "Many citizens will be able to get tickets from our society through this festival, so I hope we can understand each other then that we move away from discriminatory perceptions and prejudices against defectors living in North Korea. "

Park Eun Hee reporter [email protected]

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