The success of the theater! Belgian doubt, dramatic victory over Japan


Let's take a look at the news of the World Cup. I will be with Dong-Ho Choi, sports critic. Welcome (Yes, hello.) First of all, let me start with Sergeant Wook's report


. Contrary to the expectation that it will be overwhelming, Belgium met Japan and struggled.

In the third half of the second half, the Japanese Haraguchi gave the first goal, and after four minutes, Inoui scored for the winner.

Belgian Bench

In the 24th minute of the second half, Berthaant's lucky leader began giving the kickoff. Then, in the second half, substitute Fellaini scored the goal of equalizing with a center of Azar

and 10 seconds before the end of the match, & # 39; theatrical goal & # 39; 39; exploded. In counterattack, Miller hit a ground ball and Lukaku gave it to Chadley.

Belgium, who beat Japan and set their pride, is competing with Brazil for a quadruple ticket. (19659008); $ (". Sed_article iframe"). Attr ("$ (document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo ([‘PL0001′,’PL0002’][$(‘.main_bnr_event’),$(‘.w_bnr_wing’)]) (" div "). Css (" $. ") {$ (". Sed_article iframe "). (Function () {function (i, ## EQU1 ## .async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode (o) [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName .insertBefore (a, m )}) (window, document, "script", // ;, & gt; ga & gt; ga) "Create" UA-53828044- Ga ("set", "dimension4", "NewsArticle"); ga ('set', 'dimension1', 'N1004830690' ga ('set', 'dimension3', & # 39; 39; 09 & quot; Ga; & quot; Set & # 39; Dimension & # 39; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & Dimension7, "10000043672" try {ga ("send", even) "ga (" require "), & # 39; displayfeatures & # 39;); ga (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & lt; 39; linkid & # 39;) 9,, & # 39; linkid.js & # 39; catch (e) {}, 'news', 'news', 'news'
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