The Supreme Law for the Prosecution


Kim Myung-soo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, nominated three Supreme Court candidates on 2, while the Constitutional Court, another pillar of justice, also predicts a "change of perception." Five of the nine constitutional judges will be replaced only this year, and two more judges will be replaced next April. Kim Sun-soo (57 · Institute for Research and Judicial Training) When the Supreme Court's lawyer, represented as a lawyer and lawyer, will be replaced by a constitutional judge, the prospects for a court of law will increase. a progressive judiciary will be born.

The controversy over lawyer Kim, a representative progressive advocate, is heating up both inside and outside the court. Although he is deemed to be the best authority in the field of labor law and the "gentleman of the court", he is a person in charge of judicial review (27th), but it is claimed he is not biased to become a judge. He was the chief of defense counsel at the time of the dissolution of the Progressive Party.

The Free Korea Party, which issued a comment criticizing the proposal to appoint a lawyer the other day, continued the offensive every day. Kim Seong-tae, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said on Oct. 3: "I doubt that public opinion in the Supreme Court can be heard if public confidence in the judicial system is maintained. .

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A former Supreme Court justice said: "Kim played the role of a balanced actor in an inclined playground if he was a no-nonsense attorney and became a judge at Yung Sung Tae's court. It is doubtful that this would lead to a significant change in the situation where he is under tension. "

When Kim Young-han, Kim Chang-seok and Kim Shin-bin resigned and Kim Soo-young succeeded the Supreme Court judge next month, eight out of 13 judges were filled with people appointed by President Moon Jae-in.

The Constitution, which has the status of the Supreme Court with the Supreme Court, is also facing a major change. Lee Jin-seong, Kim Iso-su, Chang-jong Kim, Chang-ho An and Kang Il-won, the judges will replace more than half of the judges after the end of their term on 19 September. Unlike the Supreme Court Judge, appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and appointed by the President, the Constitutional Court judges that three members of the National Assembly must be elected and three members of the Supreme Court and three Presidents. The five judges, whose terms end in September, are two appointed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Yung Seung Tae, one for the Saenuri, one for the Democratic Union and one appointed by consensus. It is believed that the relatively conservative colors are clearly reflected.

But the newly appointed judges are diametrically opposed. Kim Myung-soo, president of the Supreme Court, will appoint two candidates, a ruling party, an opposition party and a candidate. At least three judges are likely to be named progressive candidates. Former President Park Geun-hye (66) has named Seo Ki-seok and Cho Yong-ho at the end of their term in April of next year. Their successor, Judge Moon, exercises his right of nomination. Mr Moon has already appointed a judge, Yoo Namsuk, who was a member of the Progressive Judicial Research Council last year. If you anticipate the 9 judges who will take over the Constitutional Court after the month of April next year, the phenomenon of "devastation" becomes clearer. Seven judges will be appointed by the presidents of Moon, the president of the Supreme Court, the ruling party and the ruling Uri party, with the exception of Lee Shin-ae, appointed by the former president of the Supreme Court. In the days of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, conservative judges filled the judiciary, and some critics say that progressive judges can take control of the Supreme Court and the Constitution.

Recently, the Constitutional Court condemned the constitutional amendments to the provisions of the Military Service Act, which punishes conscientious objectors with regard to conscientious objection to military service. Future issues such as homobaduality, the National Security Law, the death penalty and the minimum wage are likely to be judged by the Constitutional Court. A former judge at the Department of Justice said, "Regardless of the system, you always have to wait for a stable judiciary, regardless of the system" and that the rapid change in the composition of power according to the plan's trend has always been repeated without regard to the progressive or conservative regime. "He said.

Reporter His Ki-hee [email protected]

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