The taxation of beer "changes weight" … Rebound of the domestic beer industry


"Impressive prices of imported beer" I feel overwhelmed by consumer reaction
The Handmade Beer Association "The craft beer industry withdrew when the mbad tax is reduced"

[서울파이낸스 박지민 기자] The industry is appeasing because we know the government has decided not to reform the beer tax system.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOE) and related industries on the 25th, it is expected that the system of tax reform next year

The Agency has considered the change the beer tax system from a tax on the price of goods to a tax on the amount of tax per liter (ℓ). On October 10, the Korean Institute of Public Finance issued a public hearing on the plan to improve the beer tax system and recognized the need to change the amount of tax, and the National Service Taxes proposed to reform the amount of the tax.

The opposition of consumers to the transition has intensified and the atmosphere has changed rapidly. As the price of imported beer increases, there is growing concern about the disappearance of "boxes of imported beer of 10,000 won". The Korean badociation of importers of spirits also insisted that the reorganization of the tax system should be reconsidered, saying, "If the burden of tax on imported beer increases, it will cause a burden for consumers. "

I am disappointed.

The Association said: "The introduction of the mbad exemption tax is intended to use the beef produced in the country or to induce symptoms. We will create an environment in which we can create a variety of quality beer by establishing a fair and reasonable tax system. When the tax rate is introduced, cheap beers are eliminated from the market and quality (domestic) beer "

" The desire for craft beer companies is an environment where they can make a difference. good beer, "he said. In terms of the introduction of the quantitative tax, We must put an end to this useless debate and focus on the fair and reasonable taxation system and the prospect of benefits to consumers, "

Large companies , who occupy an overwhelming share of the national beer market, are also very concerned about the introduction of the quantitative tax.A senior official of the liquor company said: "The government is not in a position to announce the position because the government has not yet announced its official position regarding the introduction of the quantitative tax. "However, as the focus is on" There seems to be part of that address, "he said.

The official said: "The reform of the beer tax system is not intended to increase the price of imported beer, but to improve the unfair tax system so as to allow fair competition in the market."

"Domestic beer is more important than imported beer," he said, "however, if the current tax system is maintained, the domestic beer, which is used by more consumers, will lose the opportunity to lower prices through tax reform. "

" There will be opposition, even if we do not switch to a full price tax, so it 's not fair to d & # 39; establishing a fair tax system for everyone rather than for one side

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