"The true wonder of the lunar eclipse" … In the heat of the night sky show "admiration" (sun)


The whole process is not observable … Covered in some clouds of the zone line

Live broadcast of social media … 'Mars, earth-friendly' saw the eyewitness

(National Comprehensive = Yonhap News) Lee Jae-lim reporter = "The true moon is gradually disappearing.

As the moon illuminated the night sky on the 28th, it gradually changed in appearance and gradually lost its light.

In some areas it was cloudy and could not be observed properly, but lunar eclipses could be seen from all over the country.

In Daejeon Citizen Observatory, citizens stepped in to enjoy the spectacle of the universe that can not be easily met.

Choi In-young (44), who said he saw the lunar eclipse with his daughter, said, "In fact, I see the lunar eclipse for the first time." "I think it can be an experience to talk with my child." It was hot and I touched my smartphone, I opened the window because there was a lunar eclipse in the Real-time search ranking, "said Bhabo (39), who lives in Incheon, he added.

Those who visited the Gwacheon National Science Museum and the family campsite in Noh Park in Seoul also enjoyed the summer night.

There were many people who used the social media live room.

National Gwacheon Science Museum On the live Facebook page, I've previously logged over 500 people and watched the lunar eclipse together.

They shared the situation of the region by sharing the situation such as "Yongin is hiding in a building", "Seen in Seoul", "Busan cloud outside" and "Mars is visible on Mars".

The lunar eclipse began with a reflection ceremony at 2:13 in the morning.

An hour later, at 3:24 in the morning, the subdivision of the moon in the shadow of the earth was carried out.

The opening ceremony of the full moon took place at 4.30 am, but could not be seen properly.

This is because there is a lot of fog around the moon near the horizon and the sky lights up from 5:30 am before sunrise. Sun.

The opening ceremony takes place until 18:14, announced the Korean Institute of Astronomy and Space Science.

The lunar lunar eclipse that the entire moon is covered with the shadow of the earth was the second this year since January 31st.

The next lunar eclipse will take place on the morning of July 17 next year.

The lunar eclipse can only be seen on May 26, 2021.

With Mars, which is very close to the Earth, there were also eyewitnesses from other planets such as Saturn or Jupiter.

Real Mars is located in the afternoon of the afternoon (pbading the earth between the sun and the planet), and has approached the Earth since 2003.

Generally, when the planet is full, the earth and its planet become close.

Saturn is located in front of the sun and could be found in the southwest as the moon.

Jupiter is also on the sky from the west

Looking at the distance alone, Mars is the closest thing to 17 hours on the 31st. It is about 5,758,943.3 km .

This is the first time in 15 years since 2003 that the distance between two planets is reduced to less than 60 million kilometers.

A senior official at the Korea Institute of Astronomy and Space Science said: "The Earth and Mars are orbiting different elliptical orbits," he said.

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