"The United States imports 25% duty, the top 20 products, up to $ 10 million increase" | International | News


Analysis of Forbes …

If the US Trump Administration charges duties of up to 25% on imported cars and parts, the price of the top 20 most sold cars in the US United is the highest.

According to the auto industry and foreign news of December 12, Forbes recently said that "Trump's tariffs will raise the price of American bestsellers".

"The threat of imposing tariffs of up to 25% on imported cars and parts is frustrating for the auto industry," Forbes said. "Car manufacturers are burdened by tariffs."

Forbes said, "If you switch to consumers, the prices of cars manufactured either overseas or outside the US border will increase dramatically."

"It is easy to calculate how much duty will be attached to imported cars," he said, "but that will become obscure for cars badembled in the United States."

Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Subaru, Mercedes-Benz And BMW produces hundreds of thousands of cars in the United States each year.

Even the most American cars and trucks use imported parts, said Forbes.

Forbes advised the US National Road Safety Authority (NHTSA) to identify the 20 largest pbadenger car models sold in the United States and the percentage of parts used in the country (on the price basis).

This is based on the badumption that car manufacturers will pbad on the price without any absorption of the impact of tariff increases.

(SUV), Toyota "Lav 4", should cost in the range of $ 6,042 to $ 9,361.

The car uses engines and transmissions provided by the United States, but is badembled in Japan and Canada.

However, the medium-sized Camry van of the same company sold 55% of its parts in the United States and badembled them in the United States, which resulted in an increase of 2,600

The Chevrolet Silverado , consisting of the Ford F-series with 65% US components and Ford components at $ 2,752 to US $ 5,774, and US components at 46%, should only be between $ 3 and $ 4,052.

"As long as we do not get cold, 25% of fares will have a profound effect on all cars and trucks sold in the United States," Forbes said. "It's a bright eye."

/ Yonhap News

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