The US Army Chief says … 5 dead, 1 wounded


  On December 27, two marine helicopters landed in the 1st Marine Corps. [사진 해병대]

On December 27, last year, two marine helicopters landed in the 1st Marine Corps Air Division. [사진 해병대]

A marine helicopter crashed and killed five people and injured one.

According to the Marines on March 17, Marion, a marine helicopter landed around 4:46 pm on the South Pole at Gyeongbuk Pohang, abruptly crashed into the runway about 10 feet off the ground. Witnesses said that the helicopter had been burned and burned as soon as it landed. Five of the six crew members lost their lives and one was injured and moved to a nearby hospital. The wounded is said to be serious.

The Marines evolved by themselves around 17h. However, an additional fire brigade emerged during the evolution.

The accident helicopter was in flight test after completing its maintenance. But as soon as we took off, an accident happened suddenly. The helicopter engine does not work properly or is stopped, so it is estimated that it crashed to the ground. It appears that the damage caused by the fire occurred in the accident during the accident and ground collision.

It is presumed that the firefighters team did not get the opportunity and time to escape. The exact cause of the accident has not yet been confirmed, but it now weighs on poor maintenance. A Marine Corps official said: "We will immediately form an accident committee to investigate the exact cause of the accident."

The accident helicopter is the navy on which the Korean aerospace industry (KAI) completed development in 2012, and converted the helicopter landing helicopter from the airport. landing. It was developed as a landing helicopter in 2013, first flight in January 2015 and development in January of the following year. The biggest feature of Marine On is the addition of a main rotor folding device (helicopter rotor) for operation in a shipyard. HF radios for long distance communication, tactical navigation devices, auxiliary fuel tanks, etc. are also equipped to communicate with the ground and the trap.

There were big and small problems in the past, but it was the first accident that death occurred because of the helicopter crash of the entire system.

Marinon is preparing for the Marine Corps to put in place strategic defenses for the book, rapid response operations and non-military humanitarian operations since January of this year. The maximum cruise speed of MarineOn is 265 km / h and it is possible to fly more than 2 hours. The weapon is two 7.62mm machine guns. Up to 9 people can be boarded.

After the second generation this year, 28 units will be deployed by 4 units next year and 2023. However, this incident may cause further disruption of the introductory calendar.

Suwon-on safety is expected to come back to the board once the accident occurred in a helicopter less than six months old. Suron suffered from a safety controversy in July of last year when the BAI pointed out that it was not properly equipped with the problem of frost protection and lightning .

Surion landed emergency on the test flight in November 2017. At the time, KAI stated that it had taken off for the test. a new automatic vibration reduction device to be installed on the Surion, then decided to land in order to prevent accidents by signaling an anomaly.

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