The wisdom of "fairy tales", smoking smoke → pepper food … "The goddess of communication & # 39; captured by the jungle [종합]: Sports shipbuilding


[스포츠조선 김영록 기자] The Red Velvet Sagi & # 39; Jungle & # 39; captivated the Lakandon with its unique affinity

On the 13th SBS "The Law of the Jungle in Mexico", the adventure continued in the Mayan villages of Hegiracan Don.

That day, the red velvet sigi, "I need an eye line", I applied charcoal soot on the eyes, and I felt like a smoky makeup unexpectedly when I rubbed it.

On this day, Choi Hyun-suk made a fried duck with a cactus in a duck, which was caught with Kim Jun-hyun Choi Hyun-seok said, "I saw a cactus on the way to take an orange.In the beginning, the duck was trying to make Baek-sook, but because of the cactus, I changed it to jumped: "There is a cactus called Baekseoncho in the l 39; Cheju Island

Choi Hyun-suk, who worries about the essence of the cactus, has deliciously mixed it with duck meat: "I can not eat it when I'm coming back, "he said," I want to eat more cacti than duck meat. "Choi Hyun-suk roasted the harvested coffee beans and boiled coffee.

The members of the team were impressed by Kim's work. Jaguar was not caught, but Oshylot, like him, was caught in the camera. "In the past, he had been raised as a pet because of Jaguar-like stripes and cute looks.

The second shipping area was the immediate descendant of the Mayan racandon village, which is a tortilla with a variety of fruits and potatoes.Choi said: "I love eating carbohydrate foods because I work a lot," said Kim Byung-man, "If you make this material with your brother , you can taste another flavor.

Members followed with an unexpected fashion show in the traditional costume of Lacandon, who amused them. Gangnam, Wisdom, and Namolra showed a lively charm, and Choi Hyun- seok threw the leader and laughed

Kim Byeong – man and Julian were at the top of the fashion show, they entered the lake in a jungle and dived and went hunting, they resurrected the 39: heartbreaking story of the Mayanites seeing the re Mayan stalks fallen from cliffs of human blood and infectious diseases brought back from Spain.

Siri, Kim Jun-hyun and Choi Hyun-seok went out with their children to harvest the garden, and wisdom was reduced to the name and age of the children and became a "goddess of communication ".

Choi searched for various ingredients such as ripe red tomatoes and cilantro, and then three people who found the spicy cayenne pepper spread their gamble to eat with rock scissors. "Kim Jung-hyun, who tasted red pepper, believed that the word" it's a huge card! "The wisdom is," The nickname given to the fans is bearish.

Namwola and Gangnam entered the lake with the local Raoul, and the clear water at the bottom of the pond was visible. I admired both.

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