The women's basketball team, William Jones …


  Choi Eun-sil (left) tries to dribble at the North-South Unification Basketball Tournament held in Pyongyang on the 5th. [사진공동취재단]

Choi Eun-sil (at left) tries to dribble at the North-South unification basketball tournament which was held in Pyongyang on 5. [사진공동취재단]

The Korean women's basketball team of the Jakarta Asian Games, Palembang 2018, who should play as a team for South Korea and North Korea in 2018, won the William Jones Cup International Championship.

South Korea, led by Lee Mun-gyu, won 108-41 in India in the third stage of the William Jones Cup women's team in 2018 at the Xinjiang Gymnasium in New Taipei, Taiwan. Choi Eun-sil (22), Lim Young-hee (15), Park Hye-jin (12) and Kwak Ju-young (12).

Korea won the match against the Taiwanese 81-64 in the first leg, but lost to New Zealand 74-93 in the second leg. With this win over India, Korea won 2-1. Korea will play the fourth leg against Japan on the 28th.

After finishing the tournament, 9 out of 12 players will participate in the Asian Games of Jakarta and Palembang, which will be open as an inter-Korean team with three North Korean players. A unique team from the South Korean and South Korean Women's Basketball Team will begin its first training in Jincheon Village on the 1st of next month.

Kim Ji Han reporter [email protected]

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