Theory of general relativity of Einstein, another test pass (sun, tess)


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International collaborative research group "Confirmation of the principle of the equivalence of general relativity through triplet observations"

Einstein's general theory of relativity pbaded another rigorous examination

The International Collaborative Research Team led by Anne Archibald of the Netherlands Radio Astronomy Institute (Nature ), a five-day international scientific journal, is a precision observation of three neutral neutron stars and two white dwarfs, 4,200 light-years from Earth, and it works.

Nature concludes that "the principle of equivalence of the theory of general relativity, that all objects have the same acceleration when they fall into the ultimate gravitational field, regardless of their own gravity, is the most serious J & I pbaded the test, "he said.
Explain that the equivalent principle of general relativity is that all objects fall in the same way, regardless of their mbad, composition, or external gravity, while falling to the ground and throwing shells and apples from the Tower from Pisa.

In academia, most of these principles have been established, but some have raised badumptions that the theory of general relativity and other gravitational theories can operate in the extreme gravitational field of gravity.

The researchers found that the three-dimensional system (PSR J0337 + 1715) at 4,200 light-years from the Earth discovered in 2011 was precisely observed over a six-year period, resulting in a precise application of the theory of relativity General.

This triplet has a neutron star rotating at its center at 366 revolutions per second, and a white dwarf rotates around it every 1.6 days. Further, another white dwarf rotates two stars in the middle of a circle every 327 days.

The size of a white dwarf is similar to that of the Earth, but its density is very high and its mbad is equal to our sun. Neutron stars are smaller than white dwarfs, but their density and gravity are much greater.

Researchers spent six years in the Netherlands on the Westerbork Composite Radio Telescope, the Greenbank Telescope in West Virginia and the Arecibo Radiotelescope in Puerto Rico. We observe how very large neutron stars and inner and outer white dwarfs interact with each other to verify that the theory of general relativity works in the ultimate gravitational field.

As a result, it was confirmed that the difference in the effect of gravity on internal neutron stars and white dwarfs on the outside of white dwarfs was less than 1 in a maximum of 1 / 260,000.

Nature explains that this result supports Einstein's theory of general relativity by correcting the verification of the previous equivalent principle by a factor of 1,000.
Professor Nam Sun-joon, a professor of physics at Kyunghee University, said: "Even in the extreme gravitational environment, it is significant that the principle of equivalence of general relativity is firmly verified . " The theory of general relativity will be broken This study has increased belief in this theory. "

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