There are two reasons why the approval rating is 10%



Representative Roh Roh (center) of the ruling Justice Party spoke at a general badembly held in the National Assembly on 3. Behind him, there is a written text which says "third place in the political party". The ruling party won 9% of the parliamentary votes in the proportional representation of the 6-13 provincial election district councils.

In a poll on political party approval ratings released Sept. 9, the investigation team, Realmeter, said the party had registered a record 10.4% since his creation. This is the first double-digit peak of 10.1% last week, followed by a record in one week.

The first reason is that the opposition party, which has been criticized by the ruling party for its various issues, Clear measures Kwon, Soon-jung, director of the investigation and l & # 39; 39, badysis of actual meters, said: "The rise of the Justice Party seems to be due to the fact that it presents clearer measures in line with public expectations on various issues such as the cost of special activities. Kwon said: "In particular, in the case of the deterioration, Roh Roh returned the deterioration for two months." The party in power takes the no-holds-barred question. "This is also linked to the recent democratic policy decision, which recently seemed to move to the right, such as the revision of the minimum wage law.A party on two parties competing for progressive politics is moving towards the conservative party, which allows the rest of the party to more easily reveal "clarity." Yoon Hee-woong, chairman of the Opinion Opinion Live Opinion Center, said: "While the Democratic Party is becoming a party in power with a progressive trend, it becomes a position to make a political decision considering the whole people not to mention the progressive trend.

In fact, the decline in Democrats' approval ratings also helped to increase the odds. Approval from the Ministry of Justice .The rate of democratic approval dropped by 47.5% in the actual metric survey, down 9.5% from three weeks ago (57% ). In part In particular, 9.5% p decreased 3.5% p to the right. Yoon Tae-gon, the chairman of the political badysis department, explained: "The boundaries of the Democratic Party have gone to the right of the past, and the Democratic Party is going to the left and the right party if the Democratic Party is . opened at a moderate and conservative party "[19659007Ladeuxièmeraisonestquelespartisansprogressistesontétécapablesdesoutenirlepartiaupouvoirensachantquele"jugementconservateur"aétécomplétédansunecertainemesurelorsdesélectionslocalesdu13juinYoonHee-woongleprésidentducentreadéclaré"CommelesélectionslocalesonteulieudansunensembleavecladernièreélectionprésidentielleIlyaeuunchangementdecirconstancesquiarenducelaplusfacile"

How long can the increase in cote d & # 39; approval of the party of Justice? Experts believe that the uptrend will continue in the short term. Kwon, a member of the ruling party, said: "It is significant that the Justice Party has recorded a 10% succession in terms of stability." It is quite negative to say that the supporters of the Democratic Party will return to the Democratic Party. .

A research professor at the Hyundai Institute of Political Science at Sogang University at Sogang University said, "If the ruling party does not make a big mistake, the approval rate can go up to 15%. " He said. "In addition, it is difficult for the Democratic Party to follow progressive voices like the past, and the noise that could come before the convention is a negative factor for the ruling party," he said.

However, experts say that to maintain the stable support rate at the end of the 2020 general election, it is necessary for the "party" to strengthen its own "capacity building". He said. Professor Seo said, "To make a jump to a negotiating group, it must be recognized that it is an adversary's position." We must prove ourselves during two years, playing the role of adverse party in politics, "

In order to take the number of seats in accordance with the rate of approval in the six-seat seats, reform of the electoral system is also essential. If you convert 10% of the approval rate to the number of seats, the number of seats that the Justice Party can take is 30. Even if you add 6 ~ 7% of the approval rate obtained in previous general elections you can get 20 seats.

This actual meter survey will take place from July 2 to 6 for 5 days from July 2 to 6 and it is necessary to change it to a "nested proportional representation system". "The sample interviewed 2504 voters over 19 years across the country and the sample error was 95% confidence level ± 2.0% p

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