There is no water pipe or underground water … Busan thrives large washbasin room cause


  At around 12:30 on the 11th, there is a sink hole of 2m, 1m and 5m deep towards Seoul from Won-dong, about 30 minutes, a chasm of 2m, 1m and 5m deep s & Is produced at 200m distance from Won-dong, Pungyong-ro in Busan Expressway [독자 이성복씨 촬영 제공=연합뉴스]  </p>
<p>    I am interested in the cause. </p>
<p>  The city of Busan estimates that the 38-year-old road floor has been damaged by the long-term collapse of the accident. </p>
<p>  The chasm was found in the form of a pot 3.5 m wide, 3.5 m deep and 3.5 m deep, and was dug into the ground. </p>
<p>  There was no sign of being washed off the ground or soil. </p>
<p>  In addition, there is no water and sewer line around the point of accident and no trace of groundwater leakage. </p>
<p>  In the case of sinkholes that have occurred in other areas in recent years, there have been many cases of groundwater loss due to water discharged by groundwater or water pipes. </p>
<p>  However, depending on the shape of the chasm and the surrounding environment, it is likely that the earthquake occurred a little over a long period of time.  </p>
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  It is about 2m wide, 1m high and 5m deep at 200m in Seoul from Won-dong, proud of the Busan Expressway at 12:30 on November 11, and traffic is controlled. [부산경찰청 제공=연합뉴스]

On November 11, around 12:30 pm, a traffic light is controlled by a chasm of 2m, 1m and 5m deep 200m from Seoul on the Busan Expressway. [부산경찰청 제공=연합뉴스]

The city of Busan plans to investigate with the opinion of civilian experts such as Professor Lim Jong-chul of the National University of Pusan ​​to find the exact cause.

The surveying team will begin precise terrain exploration for the entire 40 km of roads, except for bridges and tunnels, which are built as part of any the area of ​​prosperity.

In addition to the operation of ground-based exploration vehicles and endoscopic equipment, it is necessary to badyze the causes of co-occurrence and to identify and recover joint sites .

On the other hand, the Busan Expressway,

A total of 15.7 km was covered by bridges, tunnels and general flat roads.

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