There was no single stop at Wolsong Unit 1.


Entry 2018.10.27 03:07

Lawmaker "Violation of Article 22 of the Law on Administrative Procedure", Ministry of Industry "Issues settled by the KHNP"

It was pointed out that there had been a violation of the Administrative Procedure Law in the KHNP's decision to close Wolsong 1 in June of last year. When government policies have a significant impact on local residents, they must hold public hearings and gather the views of residents they have not observed.

According to the Law on Administrative Procedure (Article 22), "If the administrative agency (the Ministry) recognizes that it is necessary to collect a large number of views because of the l & # 39; effect of the badignment ", he is required to hold a public hearing. For the public hearing, the place, time and main content must be announced 14 days before opening through an advertisement in newspapers, one page Internet home and official newspaper. However, the KHNP did not hold a public hearing on June 15 when it decided to close Wolsong 1 at the emergency committee meeting. According to data provided by the KHNP to the Free Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry, two rounds of meetings were held on May 21 and June 5, when the KHNP met prior to the early closure of Wolsong 1. Only 12 and 22 people attended the meeting.

KH Sewon said: "I have heard the opinion of the residents at the round table because there is no legal obligation to hold a public hearing as this is not a ministry of the administration. " The Ministry of Industry has not held a public hearing. An official from the Ministry of Industry said: "Since the KHNP decided to close Wolsong 1, it is not up to the government to hold a public hearing." However, the Ministry of Industry announced the "8th phase of the basic electricity supply and demand plan" last December, stating: "We will decide when to close Wolsong 1 by badessing the feasibility of continued operation, including economic efficiency and regional acceptance, in the first half of next year (2018) "He said. In fact, the Ministry of Industry decided to make a decision.

Chung Yoo-seop said: "The government has decided to close Wolsong No. 1, including four officials of the Ministry of Nuclear Power Plants, including the head of nuclear industry policies, at the second meeting of residents from KHNP. " The closure decision should be reconsidered as long as it does not converge. "

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