This directive of the Prime Minister "stops working on the construction of public order in broad daylight"


[Seoul = NewSea] Kim Ji-hyun, journalist Lee Nak-yeon, urged the prime minister to temporarily suspend construction work for public construction on the first day, the prime minister urged relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs to prevent accidents and heat falls.

· Local governments · Public commissioning · Construction and civil engineering work required them to stop working during daylight hours when the heat is high, to work in warmer periods, or to postpone work for several days.

And ordered that construction workers be closely monitored and monitored to comply with heat stroke safety regulations.

The Prime Minister also urged farmers and fishermen to actively guide them to not work during the day, during which the heat continues for several days.

Before the Prime Minister gives the instructions, "I saw the highway repair work in the midday sunlight, but I can not delay the work or adjust the time of job."

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security The ministry announced that it would revise the Disaster Safety Act to include a heat wave as a natural disaster.

Prime Minister stressed: "Even if the law is revised to include heat waves in natural disasters, I will have to deal with heat as a special disaster even before the law is revised."

On July 14, the National Service of Safety Measures of the summer, July 5, is prepared to provide heat by providing electricity and demand, but 27 people died because of the record heat of the heat wave.

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