"This heat wave is disastrous … Examination of the Electricity Review": International Newspaper


– The Ministry of Industry and Restrictive Reduction

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon (photo) said on May 31: "I can not pay special attention to the tariffs of l & # 39; electricity Please check if there is any.

Prime Minister Lee said, "We will have to live long with the air conditioner when the heat wave lasts a long time, this heat is similar to a special disaster," he said. possibility that the heat is prolonged due to climate change.

Prime Minister Lee said: "Although the supply and demand of electric power improve because of the full holiday season, the demand for electricity is expected to increase again at the end of the holiday season I want you to be in total control. "" The government is asking for amendments to the law to include heatwaves in natural disasters, but even before the law is revised, it should be recognized as a special disaster.We must check from time to time with local governments about older people who do not have air conditioning facilities, farmers and workers who work at it. 39, outside, and construction workers. "In addition," Do not delay life insurance, pesticides, livestock subsidies, disaster management funding for industries of Enrichment suffered heat waves. "We should also face soaring prices for some vegetables because of heat, crop pests and livestock diseases." Immediately after the remarks of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce began to consider whether it would be difficult to change the progressive government within two years of its reorganization and if it would be possible reduce the burden of limited rates without affecting the progressive framework.

Electricity rates are temporarily reduced in 2015 and 2016. The measure has resulted in a reduction of the electricity bill from 130 billion won to 6.64 million households.

Kim Tae Kyung reporter [email protected]

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