This is … After all, the Korean party elections as a parliament –


Entry 2018.11.28 19:25

A free Korean election has been in existence for two weeks. There is growing concern that elections to the House of Representatives will take place in the form of parliamentary elections because of the speed of "traffic monitoring" between the favorable and the non-system.

The current term of office will be until mid-December of next year. He is more fierce than ever because he can play an important role in the preparation of the 2020 general election and the convention scheduled for next February. Potential candidates have already met with lawmakers since last month. To date, a dozen potential candidates have been retained in the party. In the run-up to the election, some candidates change their minds to stand in the National Assembly instead of the presidential election.

◇ Bibak, Kim Hak-a … Kim Young-woo runs for a reader

Representative Kim Hak-yong (second from left), a member of the free candidate of the Korean National Party, aspires to the eleventh meeting of the united movement meeting, to be held in the National Assembly Hall on the morning of 28th . / Yonhap News

Kim Hak-yong and Kang Seok-ho, who were important candidates for no – Representative Seok-ho Gang met with reporters on October 28, declaring: "I decided to close the presidential candidacy before that it is too late for the conservative party ".

"I promised to unite once with Kim from the first start and I talked a lot," Kang said. I am confident that I will do my best to consolidate and politicize the policy, I will not give up, but I will give up my race for the presidency because I think Kim is qualified. "Kim Moo-sung, who heads the non-banking team, would have watched with interest the unification of both candidates.Kang is likely to come to the convention.

Once the two men unified, it is said that they will select members of the judiciary as candidates for vice president of the political president who will appear together in the contest. Before that, Kang had proposed Lee Jang-woo, chairman of the general policy committee, Kim also said: "We will consider the region and the province in terms of party".

However, Kim Young-woo, who was in favor of deposing former President Park Geun-hye and the right-wing party, is one step away from this unification movement. Kim said: "I can not clear the impression of Nakyungwon Daehan Kim Hak-yong 's ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Kim said: "There is a problem with the framework according to which the presidential election has already flocked into the agency, and the world is changing, and there is a Dark prospect who sees Koreans fighting against the Korean border.I must see it. "Kim recently indicated that he was willing to participate in various interviews with the media.

Meeting with feminist Na Kyung-won,

South Korean nationalist Na Gyeong-won is in talks with Kwon Sung-dong during an audit of the Planning and Finance Committee of the National Assembly which was held on May 16 at Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul. / Reporter molding

The prospect is that it will be difficult to unify the candidates. While Na Kyung-won, unmarried but supported by a number of pro-brothers, brings together many opinions saying: "Did Park make a mistake so that it was imprisoned for life? " And that shows that there will be elections.

A favorable legislator said: "My lawmaker is in favor of dismissing Park, but it is a person who stayed in the party, so I can kiss him without any favor." However, "I still show a sense of dissatisfaction with my story in favor of dismissal.

A member of the badembly who attended the March 21 meeting on "Integration and Advance" said, "I did not think it was difficult for the candidate to organize unconditionally." Yoo met with lawmakers at a meeting of 1: 1 or 2: 1 and was about to rejoice, he said: "There is a member of the National Assembly who has expressed his intention to support me".

The presidential election warms the aspect of party representation in favor of the government and its representatives in accordance with the current problems of the party. The representative question is the suspension of some members of the House of Representatives. At the meeting, he said: "There is a provision to suspend membership in the party at the same time as the indictment.

At present, seven pro-life council members can not vote as a representative under the party's party suspension provisions for reasons of indictment or for other reasons. However, two non-BK members who were prosecuted in the absence of the party retain the party ticket. In the affirmative system, it requires that "the law on the suspension of membership of a party be applied fairly, whether it is appropriate or not". If so, Bichel also has reason to believe that he could recruit the right-wing legislators of former vice president Byeon-bang and mobilize them in the presidential election.

Most Korean lawmakers predict that there will be some hbadle until the end. Lee Han-sun, a legislator, said: "Even among lawmakers, whoever will be elected in the presidential election will not be able to capture the results." Another legislator said: "About 30 to 40 legislators will be able to decide which candidates to vote after hearing his speech on election day".

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