This is not so bad. Midnight intervention


▲ Police crack down on illegal motorcycle activities in Seoul's Bukak Skyway Palace complex in the afternoon of 20.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency recently announced that She was going to suppress illegal remodeling of motorcycles, mufflers, etc. throughout the city before September 30, saying that there are frequent complaints about the roar of midnight motorcycles.

Motorcycles arriving in Palghang-jeong were inspected by police officers.

Existing motorcycle noise emission The tolerance is less than 110 dB for motorcycles before December 31, 1999 and less than 105 dB after December 31, 1999.

To modify the muffler of the motorcycle, the safety company must approve structural change and measure noise.

In addition to the illegal remodeling of silencers, LED fixtures were changed as needed.

Police said: "Illicit LEDs can cause a big crash by interfering with the visibility of arriving vehicles." Lighthouses are not subject to re-equipment, and if they become illegal, they will be punished. "

He said," The people are suffering from sleep disturbances caused by the roar of motorcycles. "He said," We will crack down on the unauthorized modification of mufflers and lighthouses in cooperation with related organizations. "

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