This time, the Army Air Colonel … Dismissal


There was another incident of badual violence in the army.


"In February, while I was at the party going back to the party, my heart I touched the nameplate and asked a badual question."

Lieutenant Colonel A did the subject of an investigation and is sentenced to death by a report of the deceased woman on May 5.

Lieutenant Colonel N

In both cases, the women of the victims, who were only ill, were barely exposed when they reported

Minister Song said yesterday (12th) that the matter of the state affairs

[이명숙/변호사 (前 국방부 성범죄 특별대책 TF장) : 아직도 인식이 변화되지 않은 지휘관들이 있는 것은 사실인 것 같고요. (군은) 굉장히 은폐되어 있기 쉽고, 폐쇄적이고, 그리고 지휘 관계가 확실하기 때문에 감히 상급자들에게 대해서 문제를 삼거나···]

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