This was a jinx tournament …


I do not even think about rice cakes, but the price of "dipping in Kimchiquuk's land" was too painful.

England won the semifinals of the 2018 World Cup World Cup with Croatia in Moscow on December 12 (Korea time). -2. In the 5th minute, Kieran Tripier advanced on the free kick, but Ivan Perichechi equalized in the 23rd minute.

   On July 12, 2013, at 3 am (Korea time), the match between Croatia and England in the semi-finals of the World Cup in Russia is over. Croatian Mario Manzquique scored after scoring the winning goal.

July 12, 2013 at 3:00 (Korea time) The match between Croatia and England in the semifinals of the World Cup Russia. ⓒ AP / Yonhap News

England failed to score early

After winning the 1966 World Cup in England, England did not win. is more in the World Cup I have not reached the top. It was only 28 years ago that the 1990 Italian tournament advanced to the quarter-finals. The world of British football has not been thrilled by the opportunity that has come forward for a long time, and there is a sense of optimism for the championship even before it. does not reach the final. The semi-finals of Croatia imagine a final match against France without any hesitation, and they are excited by the "virtual" events, which include various virtual events that could occur when England wins the World Cup.

. Even when the first goal of Tripier was reached, the athletes and the English fans were worried about the victory. But from that moment, it was a problem. Croatia has already shown a lot of endurance fighting for an overtime penalty shot on the 16th and 8th rounds. If we pushed further, we could have dropped Croatia completely, but England played a pbadive game after first goal.

It was a good idea to send the ball to the fore and score an extra goal in the first half of the World Cup. I focused on defense rather than will. I was not able to use it properly, leaving Harrie Kane, an outstanding forward striker. This resulted in an increased time of occupation of the tired middle Croatian ball,

The malaise of the English defensive line, which was blocked by a subsequent cruise, was also revealed. Gareth Southgate, England coach Thrieback launched tactics at this World Cup, but he is a side defender and Kyle Walker with a good overlap. The fast, good-natured walker helped England to improve the speed and speed of counter-attack, but the central defender was also vulnerable to the problem of handling and positioning the public ball. Experts who know English football have also repeatedly stressed that Walker's center-back is an adventure.

Worse, England was pushed back into Croatia in mental combat, since the result of the two goals scored by Croatia that day was not covered by Walker. Obviously, the most disadvantageous in terms of physical strength before the match was Croatia, who had already been in the third consecutive game. However, Croatia was the one that jumped the most actively until the last confrontation. The average age is 26, and the average athlete experience of 23 matches before the contest showed that the disadvantage of the "young team" was too important to be only 20.2 games.

Croatia, which had been processed at Underdog, was stronger than England in making the tournament's first history. As Ace Modric said, media and English footballers shrugged off the Croatian side before the match and showed an arrogant attitude that seems to optimize the easy finals of England.

England, Finals

Although he was frustrated with reaching the finals, it is good to say that it was a full competition. hope for football in England. Despite frequent changes over the past two decades and the emergence of star players, England has missed eighth place in the major leagues, but the young and talented Southgate coach, Southgate, has managed to to make up for his pride.

England won the first World Cup trauma victory, which had been tired of Colombia's 16th round, including overcoming the quarter-finals of the major tournament for a long time. In the quarter-finals, Sweden's sworn enemy, who had walked for more than 40 years, was slightly outpaced.

Cain, Delle Ali, Jessie Lingard, Marcus Lashford, Jordan Peckford and others are the main protagonists of the "change of generation" of English football Four years later, the World Cup is expected. The 12 goals scored by England in this tournament are the best score of a tournament in the history of the World Cup. The star players who were considered the golden generation a generation ago could not join the national team because of the awareness of competition among club teams and the excessive disease of the EPL stars,

   On June 18, 2018, Tunisia and England played in the first game of Group G of the World Cup.

On June 18, 2018, Tunisia and England will play the first Group G game of the World Cup in Group G. Harry Cain, winner of England, Ⓒ EPA / Yonhap News

But it's hard to admit that the exceptional success of this World Cup has not yet meant the complete renaissance of English football. It is not possible to ignore the effect of the last-clbad "honey counter-attack", which did not meet the teams after the championship actually. Indeed, defeating Belgium and Croatia, which could be considered as a solid team, also shows the limit of English football.

Although the score by the play was high, it did not show a good score in the other field game against the strong team. Cain, who finished second in the sixth inning, was also half-rounder and was less threatening when he landed in the tournament. The absence of a playmaker to sprinkle the creative pbad reveals the problem of English football, which is still linked to ruthless football and counter-attacks.

Although the EPL League is recognized as one of the best leagues in the world, it is important to consider how many players in the UK are closer to the world clbad in terms of skills and creativity than the high ransom. If the Euro 2020 or the 2022 World Cup Qatar do not show you a step forward, the surprise success of this World Cup could be the most painful reminder of English football.

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