Three-car fare war … Who's the winner – Kookmin Ilbo


US President Donald Trump Who will win the tariff war of the three cars in the United States, Europe and China?

In May, President Trump embarked on the imposition of Section 232 of the Law on the Expansion of Trade in Imported Cars, which led to the creation of a new vehicle. imposition of high tariffs. And consider ways to impose the penalty. It is planned to allow the production of more cars in the United States, with tariff bombs. "We can talk about steel and talk about everything," Trump said in an interview with Fox News Thursday (local time). But the biggest thing is the car. "

However, Mr. Trump's tariff wars are not limited to the EU and China, as well as the EU and China." The US auto industry is also bouncing back General Motors Corp. (GM), the largest American company,

In fact, US automobiles are not the same as those of the Chinese government, and the US government has not yet decided to do so. tariffs on imported cars, Under the tariff measures, China will be subject to tariffs of 40% on 6.

China, which has recently exchanged tariffs with the United States, has reduced its import tariffs on automobiles by 15% from July 1. By category, we have reduced car import tariffs, which are 25% and 20%, to 15% and the 6% auto parts.This was a measure to increase auto imports into the United States on the ba of the agreement reached between the United States and China. But when the United States decided a tariff rate of 25% for Chinese products, worth $ 34 billion from the 6th, so did China . Since the same day, China has decided to impose retaliatory tariffs on 545 US products of the same size. It includes 28 automotive-related products, including sport utility vehicles (SUVs), sedans, trucks and transmissions. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Chinese government is expected to suffer the most from the US government's measures on Ford and Tesla, as well as BMW and Daimler, which account for a large portion of production in the United States

It warned that its He imposed high tariffs, he would pay revenge rights on US products worth $ 294 billion (about 328 billion won). According to the Financial Times, the EU executive committee recently reported to the US Department of Commerce: "The $ 294 billion will account for 19% of gross domestic product (GDP) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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