TK Heat Hunting Event … Grand Prica Warming Forum, Mars Space Approach Space Show


  Dae-gu store in the Hyundai department store [사진 현대백화점 대구점]

Dae-gu, Hyundai Grand Store [사진 현대백화점 대구점]

There is a nickname of Dae-hyuk (Daegu + Africa), which is the hottest event traditional knowledge (Daegu and Gyeongbuk).

  "The climate map of today" is a globally burning district (Seoul-Yonhap News) The "climatic chart of the day", drawn daily by the Institute of Climate Change from the # 39, University of Maine in the United States, shows a burning globe surrounded by heat waves. The picture is 19 (local time) at 14:00. Gion graphics. The bright red color is warmer than bright red, and is located in South and North America, Africa and the Middle East, and the Middle East of China. According to foreign sources, Uighur, a small town in the Sahara Desert region of Central Africa in North Africa, has a temperature of 51.3 degrees Celsius over the last five days and is the highest in Africa since the last day. meteorological observation. 2014.7.20 [미국 메인대학 기부변화연구소 제공] (end) <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지> "data-src =" 4328-bf33-f05820bd4713.jpg "/> <span clbad=

" Today's Climate Map "is a hotly burning district on a global scale (Seoul-Yonhap News) The photo shows a blue zone dark at 14:00 (local time) on 19 (local time), rather than a bright red color, and it is dark brown, and it is distributed in the south and north of the United States, in Africa and in the Middle According to foreign sources, Uighur, a small town in the Sahara Desert region in North Africa, North Africa, has a temperature of 51.3 degrees Celsius, the highest in Africa since weather forecasts, May 5, 2018.20.20 [미국 메인대학 기부변화연구소 제공] [email protected] (end) <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

First, from the 25th Experts of the Seoul National University and Kim Ji-seok of the British embbady in Korea is r will join the Samsung Daegu Creative Campus to discuss heat, health, heat, adaptation and cool industry in Daegu until the 27.

L & # 39 Incident is a type of citizen participation on the theme of "heat hunting" as a university conference on the fight against heat. During this period, Daegu Samsung Creation Campus offers a program to overcome the unusual heat of the region: Ice Bucket Challenge, Ice Heights, treasure hunt, barefoot experience, Heatwave quiz contest, sunglbades photo contest and online dance with sunglbades. The forum was sponsored by the Daegu City, Daegu Sustainable Development Council and the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences It is co-organized by the group.

  Yeweon Space Astronomy Center [중앙포토]

Yeweon Space Astronomy Center [중앙포토]

In Gyeongbuk, the Space Show is waiting for the heat. The Yecheon Space Astronomy Center in Gyeongbuk will open a global observation event on March 31. Mars approaches Earth as close as possible for an hour starting at 8 pm today.

Visitors to the space show can observe Mars with various astronomical telescopes in the center. Mars is so small that he can not even see any special features unless it's a near-Earth approach. It usually approaches the Earth with a period of 2 years and 2 months, but the approach takes place every 17 years. The last approach was in 2003. The next major approach is 2035.

  The saltwater sources of Mars are about 5 m wide and about 100 m long, and they appear to form when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius and disappears when the temperature drops. [중앙포토] [19659000]

It is observed that the salt water current of Mars is thin in the form of a thin line of about 5 m wide and 100 m of approximately length, observed when the temperature drops by 20 degrees. [중앙포토]

Visitors can also observe the mysterious appearance of various planets such as the change of Venus, the red surface of Mars, the stripes of Jupiter, the Galileo 4 satellites, the rings of Saturn.

There are eight planets circling the sun. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Except for the double planet, there are only seven planets that can be observed in the night sky.

If there is no problem of weather, the space show will be observed on the day of the event without prior reservation If you find the Yecheon Space Center of Astronomy in Gyeongbuk you can enjoy it for free.

Daegu = Kim Yoonho reporter [email protected]

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