Tom Cruise on his 800m building, "Heart Attack & # 39;


Hollywood star Tom Cruise is famous for always insisting on direct waterfall action in all his films. Even though he is 57 years old in Korea, his belief that the main actor should digest his cascade is unchanged.

25 <미션임파서블: 폴아웃> Before the release, Tom Cruise picked up a series of cascade actions from the series <미션임파서블>. I've selected "Top 10" for each of the two scenes from 1 to 5. In fact, there are so many, so it's hard to find 10.

<미션임파서블> Wire penetrating scene symbolizing the series [19659003] <img src = "" alt = "<미션임파서블> A cup symbolizing the series" />

A cup symbolizes the series ⓒ Paramount Pictures

The most iconic scene of the series is the scene of the penetration of the wire

The computer room it needs to penetrate is only accessible by pbadwords , voice recognition and retinal scanning, plus an acoustic sensor, a temperature sensor and a ground pressure sensor.

In the end, Hunt crosses the air at 9m, according to the wire, and in this scene, Rousseau was impressed by his remarkable strength and balance, and this scene was then paraded in many media and has become an immortal spectacle.This scene has been difficult, and Tom Cruise has failed in several attempts to balance

2. It is about 16 tons of water

<img src = "" It is said that he put a coin in the shoes as a means of balance. There is a scene from Tom Cruise's "life" taken from the first part. <미션임파서블> This is a scene where a large aquarium restaurant escapes when it explodes.

The amount of water in the aquarium was 16 tons at that time. This scene was shot by the idea of ​​creator Tom Cruise. Bryan de Palma, who was directing the first episode, was very worried about Tom's injuries caused by 16-ton water and sharp glbad fragments, but Tom Cruise himself created a beautiful scene without getting hurt by himself. digesting

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