Trump & # 39; pressurization & # 39; … Refining margins reach breakeven point


[미디어펜=나광호 기자] Refining margins, the profitability barometer of the refining sector, have fallen to the breakeven point (BEP), and the possibility of a rebound in the second half of the year is at the rise.

Refining margins are average margins excluding petroleum product prices, including crude oil prices, transportation and operating costs, and refinery margins and refinery break-even point national.

The industry is concerned that if the price of oil increases, the cost burden increases, but if the price of the product is reflected in product prices, demand will fall, causing a decline in product prices and a lower refining margins.

▲ Refining margins dropped due to rising oil prices / Photo: Korea National Oil Corp.

International oil prices were the world's lowest,

However, US President Donald Trump, who pointed to the decline in oil prices, claiming that "the OPEC is doing another job" , is expected to reach $ 120 due to the threat of containment and a decline in production in Venezuela.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) said the situation in the UAE has been altered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Even though Iran's oil exports cease to exist, the United Arab Emirates [UAE] increase in supply is likely to offset this phenomenon.

Oil prices have risen to mixed oil and oil prices are expected to decline in the future as production increases.

Singapore Composite Refining Margins / Data = Shinyoung Securities

An industry representative said, "Refining accounts for a large part of the total profit structure if refining margins decrease by 1. $ US, "

" Last week, crude oil production in the United States rose from 858 to 863 last week,

On the other hand, domestic oil refineries are trying to reduce the part of the oil refining sector, which may be hit by geopolitical risks such as US trade disputes and unrest in the Middle East,

In fact, SK Innovation has been able to improve the profitability of non-refiners It is outdated 60%, and even increase the density of investments in the oil refining sector GS Caltex, S-Oil, Hyundai Oil Bank.

[미디어펜=나광호 기자]

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