Trump and Saudi Arabia are going to export 16 trillion 'Sad'. … Strong rebound of the US Congress


    US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mike Pompeo, CNN News coverage of Saudi Arabia's advocacy statement.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mike Pompeo, CNN News coverage of Saudi Arabia's advocacy statement.

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The US administration, Donald Trump, has challenged the US Congress, which had imposed the export of high-altitude missile defense systems (Saad) to Saudi Arabia.

AP, CNN and other major foreign sources say the US State Department has signed an agreement to export 44 units of Saad launchers, missiles, radar and other related equipment to Saudi Arabia for $ 15 billion. Ad.

"The Saad export was completed in December 2016. It will contribute to the long-term security of the Saudi and Gulf regions facing the threats of extremist groups regarding ballistic missiles backed by Iran and the United States. ;Iran." .

However, the US Senate strongly voted against Saad's export by the Trump administration in Saudi Arabia and voted for a resolution of 63 to 37, which voted for the suspension of US support for the war at Yemen led by the Saudis.

Muhammad bin Salman Despite allegations of badbadination of Jamal Kashu, dissident journalist of the Saudi prime minister, the Trump government pleads in favor of the Saudi royal family for the export of arms. The Senate will soon discuss specific support measures and proceed to a final vote.

"There is no direct evidence that Prince Binzman was involved in the badbadination of Kashu," said in the Senate before the vote the US Secretary of State Mike Pompei, stating that "if the United States did not intervene, the war in Yemen would worsen ".

Pompei also stressed the need to export Saadi via Twitter, saying, "If we undermine the ties between the United States and Saudi Arabia, it will be a serious mistake for the US national security and of their allies ".

Nevertheless, the Senate decided to suspend support from Saudi Arabia and the ruling Republican party voted in favor of the Trump administration, which is embarrbading.

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