Trump and Sejinjing stand before the negotiations … US warships cross the Taiwan Strait again –


Entry 2018.11.29 10:52

The United States sent a warship and supply line into the Taiwan Strait on the 28th. China is expected to move ahead of the US-China summit scheduled for the G20 summit in Argentina this month . This is the third time that the US warship crosses the Taiwan Strait this year, after July and last October.

The US Pacific Fleet said in its statement that the Stockay Bay destroyer and the Alay Burke-clbad Pecos Ham oil tanker had crossed the Taiwan Strait as part of its normal operations. Show me your promise. "

Stockdale, the destroyer Alay Burke of the US Navy. / US Department of Defense

The United States is putting pressure on China, which has close relations with Taiwan as relations between the United States and China deteriorate due to the outbreak of the trade war. China and Taiwan are facing the application of the principle of "single China" after their separation in 1949. One of them is China, which is one of the same countries as the China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, which are not independent countries but only the Chinese government.

China strongly condemned US support for the Taiwan government's second dialogue on diplomacy and security between the two countries, which was held in Washington on 9 September. "We can not deny China's sovereignty over the South China Sea," Yang said at a meeting with the Chinese government's foreign affairs chief, Xinhua. "We asked the United States to stop sending ships and fighters to the islands and reefs of China," he said.

"If the preservation of the territory is threatened, we will be able to pay the price, as if the United States had taken the civil war for reunification," said Wei Fengchu, head of the Ministry of Defense and a member of the National Security Council. ;State. "Unification is our (Chinese Communist) .I will do that too." If Taiwan pursues its independence, the war could be engaged whatever the American position.

But some wonder if the "Taiwan Card" of the United States will have an effect despite the recent defeat of the Democratic Party of Taiwan in local elections. The mining party, which claims to be Taiwan's independence and adopts the anti-China line, has released only six markets in the May 22 election in 22 prefectures and cities. He announced at an emergency press conference that he would step down from grace.

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