Tuwin Global, Vice President of the New Representative Director


[공동대표에 김영훈 아티스트컴퍼니 이사 선임]

The results of the two-month interim shareholders' meeting were replaced by Kim Jae-wook and Kim Young-hoon as CEO.

According to the Electronic Information of the Financial Supervisory Service of September 9, 19659002] The company decided to change its name to ACOM STUDIO Co., Ltd. in order to progress in new business and improve the business. 39, image of the company.

Co-CEO Kim Jae-wook, who was elected this time,

At the time, Bitsum said that he knew that he wanted to focus on his personal business as reason to resign from Kim Jae-wook, but said that he would keep his existing stake.

Actor Jung Woo-sung, Lee Jung-

In particular, Bitsum is a member of BITCY Korea Dot

In addition, Kim Jae-wook, who also serves as a representative of Vident, is a practitioner in charge of The practice C is the largest shareholder.

Kim Young-hoon, co-CEO of Kim Jae-wook, is also a director of the Artist Company. N = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? S = {f, b, e,
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