Tweets, major updates and plans published at Twicacone 2018


Twitch completed Twitchcon in San Jose, California. CEO Emmett Shear announced a new tool to help support, growth, connectivity and development of Streamer via Keynote (Keynote). Twicacone 2018 is held from October 26 to 28 in the United States.

Group Streams: A group stream can be broadcast simultaneously on up to four streamers on a single screen, channel. Viewers can watch PC and mobile team feeds, track and subscribe easily to all channels. The chat is linked to the channel that viewers have chosen for the default view. You can click or tap to navigate to another channel and enjoy or chat with your friends. Team streams will begin testing in the second half of this year, starting with the pre-selected streamers.

Highlight editor updates: Streamer can make it easy to highlight the interesting part of your broadcast. With this enhancement, fans will enjoy more fun content and create new ones when streamers are not streaming. It will be updated in January.

New New Feature section: The New Feature section will be added to the tweet site to highlight new streamers, new partners or affiliates, or streamers for specific regions.

Second, the "Connections" theme introduces tools and updates that help Streamer strengthen communities and strengthen relationships with viewers.

Custom tweets for cameras and tweens: Snap's new desktop app, Lenses, has entered twilight with custom extensions. The streamer can download the Snap Camera app to your desktop and add Snap Camera extensions to your localization account. Streamers can change their appearance and become subscribers who subscribe to it.

VIP badges: The new chat badge allows Strimer to view important members of the community in addition to their subscribers. Streamers may have more badges to share as the community grows. The VIP badge will be published in a few weeks.

New moderator tools in chat: when Strimer clicks on his name, he can see the time spent in the tweet, the chat message that he sent on the channel, the waiting time that he / she would like. he received on the cbad and the number of vans he had. Administrators can share comments with streamers and other administrators by leaving comments on each user. This information will help streamers and administrators make better decisions when managing discussions on the channel. Available from January 2019.

Role Management Page: Streamers will soon be able to identify and manage the role of community members, such as their VIPs, managers, and publishers. This page will be launched in a few weeks.

Subscriber's Badges Total Monthly Subscription Indication: In the future, subscribers can view the total number of months they have subscribed to. The reaction of users that a regular subscriber was blinking and that even if they were missing a one – month subscription, they would have to pay sufficient compensation. If viewers want to put more emphasis on sequential subscriptions, they can still choose to share them when they subscribe again. This feature will be available in January 2019.

In addition, Twentys has expanded its Twitch Rivals electronic sports program to support streamer growth and has partnered with Harmonix to create a new type of game, Introduced TwitchSings.

Twitch Rivals: Until now, Twente has organized 55 game competitions for partners, affiliates and their friends. Streamers participating in Twilight competitions showed that the average number of viewers on the day of the event had increased by 20%, advertising revenues by almost 90% and profits after a month of 10%. Twente plans to double its traffic skills by 2019. The number of competitions, expansion into games and genres such as MOBA or RPG, and more cash prizes are the main goals.

Twitch Sings: Twitch Sings is a new karaoke style game created by Twitch Slimmer. The game was originally designed and produced for streaming in real time, and it contains tons of songs and features that streamers and their communities can use together. Viewers can request songs from the chat, send applause to the stage, or challenge the streamer. Thanks to this, it seems that the viewer and the streamer will have the impression of doing a concert together. Those who attended Twincone were able to test Twincities, and Twincities was scheduled for a closed beta test on PC, iOS and Android by the end of the year.

In addition to these speeches, the 2018 Twickenham has hosted celebrities such as Tony Hawk, Kevin Smith, Felicia Day and Ninja, as well as major events such as the Royal PUBG Broadcaster and the Knight Fall Finale. For more information on Twicheon's 2018 speech, please visit the Korean tweet blog.

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