Two of the three suspects who used the police report "self-defense note" "satisfied"


  Two of the three suspects who used the police report
[아시아경제 이관주 기자] The results of the investigation showed that the self-defense note that the police tried to protect the human rights of the suspects had a positive effect . According to the national police, police issued a self-defense note in five police stations (Seocho, Gwangjin, Yongsan, Eunpyeong, West) and in the Incheon Marine Commissariat, Seoul, for two months, from the month of April to the last month. The note of self-defense is a note made by the police and the Seoul Bar in consultation It helps to note the information necessary for the investigation process and to guarantee the rights of the defense.

Free notes, checklists and information on the rights of victims.

The police can use the notes to record the contents of the statement and check if the veto statement, the defense attorney, The questionnaire was conducted on 108 people who used the survey . As a result, 72 people (66.6%) responded that they were very helpful. 62 respondents (57.4%) responded that they would also register when they receive the next survey.

Just the rate of use was low. The number of notes used by the five police stations with the exception of seaplanes was 1178, or 15.7% of the total number of files (7524) written by the suspects. It was pointed out that it was difficult to understand because of the large volume or difficult legal terms.

A police official said: "After further consultation, I completed the content and method of operation, and then the driver was sent to the national demonstration (D, s, id) {19659003} Lee, Kwan-joo, journalist [email protected]

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