"Two players to beat" Doosan


SK EAST WEDNESDAY, Nov. 7 (Xinhuanet) – In the third game of the Korean baseball series, SK players who won 7-2 at Doosan Bears and SK Wyvern are in the party. 2018.11.7 / News 1 © News1

Doosan Bears is in trouble. The line is supposed to be both sophisticated and powerful.

Doosan lost to SK Wyverns 2 to 7 in the third game of the 2018 Mike KBO Korea Series, organized by Shinhan Bank in the 7th match of Incheon SK's Happy Dream stadium.

Doosan scored two points for Jamey Loach and one for Lee Jae-won, seven points overall, including three at home. As the game is in Incheon, it was not surprising that the homerun that appeared successively.

The problem is a two-point lead against the opponent.

The batting average of Doosan's team was 0.252 (26 hits out of 103). It is rather superior to SK 0.240 (24 results out of 100 moves).

But that's the problem that only the player is touched. Choi Ji-hwan had six hits in 11 strikes, and Yang Ji-ji had four walks on 9 throws, but not the rest. Kim Jae-ho and Oh Jae-won had a number of successes in Game 3 and showed themselves slowly.

I could not score because I did not have a chance to go to the top. Doosan had no choice but to score three runs in the ninth inning with three hits in six innings.

The median line is also troubled. Park did not record a single hit in three games. Four withdrawals with 12 withdrawals. It does not serve as a link between the table and the center line of the third.

Here's the question mark of Kim Jae-hwan's dough 4. Kim Jae-hwan, who complained of lateral pain in the training the day before, again undergoes a thorough examination. If Kim Jae-hwan unfolds like this, the burden of Yang Ji-ji and Choi Joo-hwan will increase.

Kim Tae-hyeong, Doosan's coach, said: "The player who hits is Choi Joo-hwan, two willies."

There is no possibility to replace players. It is therefore very likely that the game is also played in the remaining games. Kim Gwang-hyeon, southpaw, will enter the match. Kim's teammates are struggling to keep pace with their teammates.

(Seoul = News 1)

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