UFG for Korea and the United States


  On October 10, the government announced a temporary suspension of the practice of Uji exercises in the situation where the Korea-US union training of the Uji Freedom Guardian was postponed. The photo shows an army training scene of the 55th Gundai Army who participated in the training of Eugji Freedom Guardian in August 2017. [연합뉴스]

On October 10, the government announced a temporary suspension of Eulji's practice in the situation where the US-Korean trade union training Eulji Freedom Guardian has been postponed. The photo shows an army training scene of the 55th Gundai Army who participated in the training of Eugji Freedom Guardian in August 2017. [연합뉴스]

On October 10, the government announced that it will conduct joint exercises by South Korean troops next year after postponing the exercise of the UFG, which was to take place in August this year. In fact, the prospect of a "preparation readiness" of the Republic of Korea's army against the possibility that the UFG will not be implemented next year emerges. A government official said: "The Taegeuk EG exercises are not meant to completely eliminate UFG exercises." Provisional action. "Meanwhile, he stressed:" We can resume the practice of the UFG. " UFG at any time, in accordance with the denuclearization negotiations of North Korea. "

However, the practice of UFG is not a training that can be done depending on the circumstances at that time. The combined training should be prepared by both countries at least six months in advance. In order to summon the reserve forces and the main defense forces, which are the core of US reinforcements, it is necessary to inform the parties in advance and to inform the schedule in advance. In addition, President Donald Trump and others have already stated that they would not participate in joint training to continue their dialogue with North Korea and that as long as negotiations between North Korea and the United States would continue until next February, it would be practically impossible to practice UFG in 2019. The union training ROK-US has been fainted for a year due to political circumstances, but has never been canceled for two consecutive years. If the UFG practice is to be held in Korea next year, the practice of UFG will not be familiar. A former Defense Agency official said: "Planning a practice EG Taegeuk means we will not practice UFG next year."

The practice of UFG is considered a major US-ROK training with Kirizolve exercises (KR) and Eagle exercises (FE), which take place from March to April of each year. KR exercises and UFG exercises are exercises that range from a command post to a computer simulation. The FE training was practiced in real outdoor maneuvers. The military experts are the same simulation training, but they see the importance of UFG exercises higher than KR exercises. "We do not really have troops and equipment, but we have a lot of US troops coming to the emergency reinforcements on the Korean peninsula, so we have the reinforcement procedure under way," he said. Shin said. This is only part of that. Kim Jin-hyeong, former Chief of the Joint Chief Strategy Officer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "USFK staff are welcomed every year in the first half of the year." Our new members will learn about the environment of the USFK. Battlefield of the Korean Peninsula through UFG practice in August

It is unclear how Korea's unique practice Eulji Taegeuk will work Shin Bum-cheol, director of the Center for Security and Safety 39, unification at the Asan Institute for Political Studies, said: "Although it is equipped with an infrastructure capable of forming a single army, it is realistic to be with the United States. "I do not know if it is effective."

The government does not need to worry about the weakening of power. Rather, it is a multi-faceted action for the transition from operational control in wartime to the future. A senior government official said, "The strength of Taegeuk Taegeuk can be done well by our forces." "The execution of South Korean troops alone also makes sense in preparing for the transition of the armed forces. . The Army of the Republic of Korea can guarantee the ability to lead the combined defense of the Republic of Korea and the United States through the practice of Taegeuk Eulji.

Outside the military, it is emphasized that it is inevitable to create a plan B on the badumption that UFG exercises and other combined US-ROK training should be discontinued. President Trump called the union training "provocative" and declared the suspension of the training during a denuclearization dialogue, and State Secretary Mike Pompei promised to simultaneously support the denuclearization of Korea North, the system guarantee and the improvement of relations. This means that if North Korea goes to denuclearization, it can take steps to guarantee the system. The starting point for the United States to provide a guarantee of the system is to stop large-scale military exercises and stop the deployment of US strategic badets in the Korean peninsula.

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