Unconditional negligence? … "One-sided 100% fault"


Even if an accident is caused by a unilateral error in a car, insurers often occupy it in both directions.


The first lane of the road is the first lane of the road. The car suddenly turns left and the car on the next lane suddenly turns left.

In this case, some errors such as neglecting the front line and not observing the safety distance are often applied even if it is not self-blame.

In the future, the author will badume full responsibility for accidents that are clearly responsible.

If you accidentally make a remaining car that crosses the center line and you want to overtake it, or change the line in a continuous line,

[이창욱/금융감독원 보험감독국장 : 기준을 신설함에 따라서 과실비율 산정에 관한 민원이 조금 줄어들 것으로.]

In the future, if a car is forced to enter from such a bicycle route and that an accident occurs, the driver of the car will be responsible for 100% of the fault

In addition, accidents among insurers , such as minor accidents of less than 500,000 won, may apply in advance to the non-life insurance Association to settle disputes. ($ (". Sed_article iframe") Attr ("$ (document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo ([‘PL0001′,’PL0002’][$(‘.main_bnr_event’),$(‘.w_bnr_wing’)]) (" div "). Css (" $. ") {$ (". Sed_article iframe ") . (function () {function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) i [r] = i [r] = i [r] || function () {(i [r] .q = i [r] .q | a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode (o) [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s .getElementsByTagName .insertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, & quot; script, & # 39; // www.google-badytics.com/badytics.js&#39 ;,&#39; ga '; ga (' create 'UA-53828044- Ga (' set ',' dimension2 ', & # 39; & # 39; 39; N1 "Auto" ga ("set", "dimension4", "NewsArticle" ga (& # 39; ga & # 39; ga (& # 39; ga (& # 39; ga (& # 39; ga; require & # 39 ;, & quot; displayfeatures & quot; & g; (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ("Send", "event", Article.PC. + NewsArticleType, "sho", & # 39; linkid & # 39; ;, & # 39; linkid.js & # 39;; & # 39; newsid: & # 39; + newsId);} catch (e) {}
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