Unity signs an accommodation agreement for the European gaming service of "Pubge Co., Ltd."


Unity Technologies announced on January 17 that it has signed a contract with Pugji Co., Ltd. (CEO Chang-Han Kim), developer of Battleground, to provide servers in Europe.

Last December, Unity acquired Multiplay, one of the leading online gaming server hosting providers.

Multiplayer has provided popular games like TitanPal 2, Rocket League and Rust.

  Unity Multiplayer has signed a partnership agreement with Pubge Inc. to host gaming services in Europe

Unity Multiplayer has signed a contract with Pubge Corporation

PUZZY CO., LTD Has chosen Unity as a European server partner to provide a more stable service to the battlefields

In addition, it is important to note that multiplayer has been playing games services for about 20 years and has gained a better understanding and experience of the server structure, thus ensuring migration and stable operation of the server. Naked metal system that only uses the battleground. Provides a hybrid environment of half.

Paul Manuel, director of multiplayer, said: "It's important to keep mega-worlds like Battlegrounds," by reducing unnecessary difficulties in hosting gaming services and improving the game. Management efficiency, gaming companies will focus more on the development of content for players. "

" We are pleased to be able to offer a more enjoyable and stable gaming environment in Europe than through cooperation with multiplayer, "said Kim Chang." Especially with multiplayer expertise, "we are very excited about the synergy between the two companies and we hope to establish a long-term partnership with Unity, as they provide active support to Unity's technical resources. "

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