US Marine Chief says … 5 dead 1 injured


  Military officers repair the accident gas on the 17th at the accident site of the "Marine on" helicopter crashed at the Pohang Airfield, in the province of Kyongbuk. It was reported that the accident helicopter crashed to a height of 10 meters during the test flight after the completion of maintenance. Five crew members were killed and another injured during the accident. [연합뉴스]

Military officers recover accidental gas from a helicopter that crashed at Pohang Airport in Kyungpook Province on March 17. It was reported that the accident helicopter crashed to a height of 10 meters during the test flight after the completion of maintenance. Five crew members were killed and another injured during the accident. [연합뉴스]

A maritime helicopter crashed on Thursday, killing five people and injuring one. According to the Marine Corps, the Marines, a maritime helicopter that lands around 4:46 pm, landed at Pohang Nam-gu Airfield, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, and suddenly struck the runway about 10 meters above ground level. . As the helicopter landed on the ground, it was burned in flames, witnesses said.

Five of the six crew members aboard the accident lost their lives and one was taken to a nearby hospital after being injured. The deceased are Commander Kimmo (45), Lieutenant-Colonel Nomo (36), a mechanic Kimmo (26), a flight attendant Kimmo (21) and a police officer (20). A mechanic, Kim (42), is transferred to the hospital for treatment, but he is in serious condition. Immediately after the crash of the helicopter, the Marines and the firefighters evolved, and one firefighter added another.

The accident helicopter was in flight test after completing its maintenance. However, after takeoff, it was felt that the helicopter engine suddenly failed to function or stopped, and that the helicopter crashed immediately on the ground. There was a possibility of maintenance failure on the site, but the exact cause of the fall was not confirmed that day.

It is estimated that the damage caused by a fire during a collision and a ground collision, because the crew could not get the opportunity and time to escape. An officer from the Marine Corps said, "We will immediately form an accident committee to investigate the exact cause of the accident."

 Navy on helicopter that is the same model as the accident helicopter. [연합뉴스]

Sailor on helicopter, the same model as the accident helicopter. [연합뉴스]

The accident helicopter is the navy on which Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) completed the development of Suwon in 2012 for the helicopter landing. It was developed as a landing helicopter in 2013, first flight in January 2015 and development in January of the following year.

This is the first time that a death is caused by an accident in the helicopter of the whole system of the whole system. Marinon is preparing for the Marine Corps to carry out strategic book defenses, rapid response operations and non-military humanitarian operations since January of this year. The maximum cruise speed of MarineOn is 265 km / h and it is possible to fly more than 2 hours. The weapon is two 7.62mm machine guns. Up to 9 people can be boarded.

After the second generation of this year, 28 units will be deployed by 4 units next year and 2023. The Marine Corps plans to train 40 pilots and 40 mechanics and, in 2021, create a maritime air base. However, the incident should be delayed due to the accident. Filipino President Rodrigo Duertepe, who visited Korea in June, is interested in the show that was presented to the Ministry of Defense.

The safety of Suwon-on should be controversial as a major accident occurred in a helicopter less than six months old. He pointed out that in July of last year, the Supervisory Board did not have adequate protection against the problem of freezing and protection against lightning. The overseeing engine was overspeed in 2015, and in November 2017, it landed an emergency landing on the test flight.

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