Venezuela launches a petrochemical call next month


Decoy News
[디코인뉴스=최문근기자] Venezuela is facing the worst recession of all time, and President Nicolas Maduro is expected to launch oil-supported oil money next month.

Maduro said that a new monetary unit called Sovereign Bolívar would help eliminate the five zeros in the current monetary unit, Bolivar.

Maduro said: "The economic reform will be launched on the 20th of the new Sovereign Bolívar

According to various reports, steps are being taken to prevent the inflation rate from exceeding 100 million percent this year. The Venezuelan economy is gradually collapsing since the collapse of international oil prices in 2014, failing to continue to provide mbadive subsidies.In June, annual inflation exceeded 46,000%

According to the International Monetary Fund, the rate of inflation in Venezuela recalls the economic crisis of 2000 against Zimbabwe and Germany in 1920. The ruler of Maduro, Bolivar, said that it was not the case. he would stabilize and radically change the money and the financial life of the nation, as he says.

The Venezuelan government argued that .The United States imposed a provision on the country, and President Donald Trump has banned t US citizens to invest in the Etro.

The Venezuelan movement was a free publicity that doubled the number of interested investors. He pointed out that the cryptography of oil money is not reliable because the government could not properly handle the bolivar.

Venezuela argued that "in April, the impact of oil will be felt within three to six months, stating" that it will be technically and financially integrated ".

Meanwhile, the minimum wage is just under $ 1 a month and citizens are fighting for food and basic health care.

The South American country also sold oil to India at a reduced price using encrypted currency because India refused to pay it using a cryptographic token because Venezuelan raditur was buying from food to NATO. And plans to use the Petru to finance villas for the homeless.

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