Volleyball Federation, Organizational Restructuring … Competition Steering Committee – Selection Committee Integration – mk Sports


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 한이정 기자] The Korean Volleyball Federation (KOVO) is reorganized to renew its organizational atmosphere.

KOVO said on the 27th, "In the second year of the current administration, we will reorganize our organization to revitalize the organization and continue the professional development of volleyball.

In order to further consolidate the One Team and One Voice systems of competition management and arbitration tasks, the single-summit system was established by integrating the competition management committee and the competition committee. referees on the competition management committee.

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The Korean Volleyball Federation has reorganized the organization in order to renew its organizational atmosphere. Photo = KOVO provided

The management committee of the competition and the jury are placed under the responsibility of the competition management committee to maximize the independence and expertise, but the separate competition supervisor In addition, only the referee staff has been placed in the referee room to create a sense of unity and reinforce communication.

He was the first FIVB international judge for the Korean people and appointed Jo Young-ho, vice president of the Korean Volleyball Association and secretary general of the Korea Sports Council. Myeong-gwan Moon was appointed to the position of chief of the Gyeonggi Operations Office and Kim Young-il was appointed to the position of chief of the referee.

In the case of the organization of the secretariat, the Secretary-General decided to place the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General under the presidency in order to resolve the rigidity of the organization accompanied by the uniform system of Secretary General and create a more creative and dynamic organization.

The first badistant manager focuses on business management, public relations and marketing, and the second badistant managing director focuses on improving the company's business. Organizational expertise by implementing the competition management system and improving the system.

Meanwhile, in order to maximize the professional volleyball boom and strengthen the revenue base of the Federation and the club, the PR team plans to separate public relations and marketing teams and recruit experts in marketing. In the future, these teams will cooperate organically with each club and plan to strengthen the base of win-win public relations and win-win marketing.

In addition to organizational restructuring, the Federation has collected constructive suggestions by communicating with supporters, integrated workshops, and institutional improvement committees for successful league management and the ongoing development of professional volleyball. .

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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