Walls suspected patient is unconditionally hospital isolation … Easy to isolate for simple visits


[Équipe de politique sociale] The Seoul Metropolitan Government has changed the guideline for responding to suspected patients at MERS

The disease control headquarters has announced on August 8 that guidelines for suspected domestic sea patients are too strict and inconvenient compared to foreign countries, and that they improved the procedure by referring to the latest research results. According to the amendment, the procedures for the isolation of suspect patients and types of specimens for laboratory tests have been revised.

First, the procedure for isolating suspicious patients was added to allow for limited self-isolation of existing hospital isolations.

The Center for Disease Control said: "Suspected patients are isolated at the hospital, but they are less likely to have a role-related role, such as simple visits, and have symptoms respiratory infections without pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Instead, suspect patients are allowed to use insulated, well-ventilated rooms, single-use toilets and sinks, and there is a way to contact the caregiver or the person.

The Mels confirmation test sample is also modified. Based on revised WHO guidelines in January and results that genetic tests showed low sensitivity, specimens for confirmatory testing were categorized into 2 types Changed

▲ counter system -measures revised for each stage of the crisis according to the strengthening of the MERS emergency crisis level ▲ revised "standard manual for crisis management for the infectious disease crisis"

A CDC official said: "This change completes the limits of the results of the response to suspect patients from 2016 to 2017, reviews research findings and guidelines for foreign countries, to reduce the inconvenience," he explained.

At the end of May, the MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in September 2012, with a total of 2,220 people worldwide, of which 790 (35.6%) died. In Korea, there were 386 deaths among 186 people infected from May to November as a result of the 2015 crisis.

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