"We Are Potential Criminals" Grand Kindergarten Rally at Gwanghwamun Square – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.11.29 14:27

"It is a free education without discrimination." "The government should respect private property."

On December 29 at 1 pm, the Korean Children's Garden Association (Han Yu-gun) reunited on Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul to oppose the law "Park Yong -jin 3 Act ". More than 10,000 people from the country's private children's gardens met by the organizer. They listened to the picket lines with the words "Guaranteeing the right to live in private school teachers" and "I can not stand a threatening speech that is announced every day". In Korea, 70% of private children's gardens are enrolled in Han Yu.

On December 29 at 1 pm, the Korean Children's Garden Association is holding a major summit meeting to block the "Yong-jin 3 Park Act" in Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul. / Gosongmin reporter

Han Yoo is opposed to pbading the so-called "Yong-jin Park Law 3" (kindergarten law 3 aimed at eradicating private children's gardens) at the rally. Lee Yu-keun, chairman of the Emergency Management Board, said: "The presidents of the children's gardens are 100% independent and invest their own property tax, but they can not take a penny of profits.They are subject to all kinds of regulations and obligations.Preschool is an alternative to self-employment or school, and private teachers of kindergarten are civilians or officials. "

"Park Yong-jin's third law is a devilish law that does not recognize the individual property rights that are fundamental to liberal democracy." He insists that the nature of the problem of the children's gardens is not resolved, but that the sanctions are reinforced and that the educators become potential criminals. "

Participants are expected to sign a memorandum of understanding with President Moon Jae-in at the Blue House. Han Yu said, "This is a free education policy, without discrimination in the Children's Education Act, which is to pay a minimum of 320,000 won to children who go to private places while paying a fee. fee of 950,000 won per month for children who go to public places. "Equal opportunities, fair process, fair results."

The "Park Yong-jin law 3" introduces the system of information on the education of children, such as private school in private children's gardens, prohibits the use parent education except for educational purposes and applies the school meals right to the private children's garden. The Education Committee of the National Assembly will review and process the bill on the 3rd of next month. The National Assembly was supposed to consider the amalgamation of the Kindergarten Law 3 and the Free Kindergarten Bill, but deliberations on Korean legislation were delayed.

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