WeMade, Icarus M & # 39; 26 days of formal service


<img src = "http://img.etnews.com/photonews/1807/1093742_20180723144921_361_0001.jpg" alt = "Icarus M is a mobile MMORPG developed by WeMade and published by WeMade Service.

Icarus M is a mobile MMORPG.It is the first large-scale outdoor air combat.Online Games Icarus IP core fellow comes to more than 300 species.Fellows can be accompanied, boarded and allowed to fly [19659002] The service is the main feature of the combat action that is equal to the console.

Icarus M has completed the verification of server stability, balance and main content by the previous test.

"We thank the users who participated in the pre-booking and two guerrilla tests," said Song Soo-Heon, CEO of Wemade Service, "We will thoroughly examine the test results and Make sure we are comfortable Service and MMORPG. "

Previously, WeMade Service conducted a joint project with Mamma Mu and Mamma Mu X Icarus M. Sky Sky (blue) sound production, like the two-color promotion, is becoming an expectation.

Lee Hyeon-soo reporter [email protected]

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