Wen Jiabao, the first surprise of the 'Hope Meeting & # 39; … "Not even the smallest number of workers"


President Moon Jae-in appeared on a cooktop at Gwanghwamun in Seoul in the afternoon of the 26th. Citizens at Hope applauded the appearance of President Moon. The office workers who left the office said, "Let's see the president." The president has come, "he said.

  President Moon Jae-in visits Hope House near Gwanghwamun, Seoul, on May 26, shaking hands with participants. KCCI president, youth job seeker and job seeker looking for a career.Workers at minimum wage (apartment guard), representatives of small businesses, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, representatives of lunch boxes and nearby workers have discussed. /2018.07.26 Photojournalist of Cheong Wa Dae

President Moon Jae-in visits Hope House near from Gwanghwamun to Seoul on May 26 as part of a conversation with the Korean people working at his home and shaking hands with the participants.Participants were Park Yong-man, president of KCCI, researcher of employment for young people and job seeker looking for e of a career: Minimum wage workers (apartment guard), small business representatives, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives and nearby workers discussed . /2018.07.26 Presidential Press Photographer

President Moon organized a flash meeting with 30 civilians that day. More than a line to listen to the public. Participants were informed that President Lee was arriving ten minutes before the arrival of President Moon. This was for security reasons.

President Moon said, "Everyone was surprised." President Moon said, "I knew you were meeting with the Minister of Employment and Labor, I promised to meet the citizens in the last election." Nowadays, in the context of the problems of Employment such as minimum wage, work time and self-employment, I have a seat. "" I only came to hear the stories of the workers, "he said.

Those who attended the meeting were about 30 people, including young jobseekers, career cuts , minimum wage workers, and convenience stores.

When the round table began, young traders who were affected by the increase in the minimum wage expressed their bitterness.

  President Moon Jae- in s & n; maintains with residents on his way back from an affair near Gwanghwamun in the afternoon of the 26th. This day was organized as part of a dialogue with the Korean people who promised to go to work as a presidential candidate Park, Yong - man, president of KCCI, job seeker for young people, job seeker looking for 39. a job Minimum wage workers (caretaker) Representatives of SMEs, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives and nearby workers were present. President Lee Myung-bak meets with citizens coming out of a gang near Gwanghwamun in Seoul in the afternoon of the 26th. This day was organized as part of a dialogue with the people Korean who promised to go to work as a candidate for the presidency. Park, Yong - man, president of KCCI, youth employment researcher, researcher job looking for a job. Workers with minimum wage (apartment guard) Representatives of SMEs, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives and nearby workers were present. Lee Jong Hwan (restaurant owner) = "Please distinguish between companies and companies when setting up the policy.There are many complaints about the policy such as working time," I do not even have the smallest number of workers, so I try to do it with my family, so there is no creation of extra time. Jobs. 

  ^ President of the Moon: "How long have you been (shop)?" 

  ^ Lee Jong Hwan = "It was 23 years ago. By the way, I do not want to give to my child (shop). "

  ^ Moon said:" The minimum wage is widely supported. 

  ^ Lee Tae-hee (convenience stores) = "I applied for a job stabilization fund, but it costs between 20 and 300,000 won." However, to get it, you must put 1 million won in insurance every month. "

  Job seekers also complained.  </p>
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  President Moon Jae-in visits Hope House near Gwanghwamun in Seoul on the 26th as part of his conversation with the Korean people. Participants were Park Yong-man, president of KCCI, job seeker for young people and job seeker looking for a career. Minimum wage workers (apartment guard), small business representatives, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives, and nearby workers discussed. /2018.07.26 Photojournalists of Cheong Wa Dae

President Moon Jae-in is visiting Hope House near Gwanghwamun in Gwanghwamun, Seoul on the 26th, as part of a dialogue with the Korean people working at home. Participants were Park Yong-man, president of KCCI, job seeker for young people and job seeker looking for a career. Minimum wage workers (apartment guard), small business representatives, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives, and nearby workers discussed.

^ Lee Chan-hee (young job seeker) = "Even with the help of politics, it takes a lot of money to prepare for the job. [19659005] ^ Moon President = "What do you want more than that?"

^ Bae Jun (young job seeker) "The officials were preparing for three years. I will start a new beginning now. If you try to save 'Alba', you will not be safe. Without drawing much … "

President Moon continued to talk to other office workers who had come to Hope after an hour of meeting with the participants.

President Moon has focused on economic performance for two years in power. "We will be actively communicating with different economic actors, and if necessary I will meet directly with businesses, small business owners, self-employed workers and the trade union community."

An official from Cheong Wa Dae said, "This meeting was scheduled since the beginning of the year, and job seekers, small business owners and others attended the ceremony to express their strong voices.

  President Moon Jae - Visiting Hope House near Gwanghwamun, Seoul on the 26th, as part of his conversation with the Korean people, participants were Park Yong-man, KCCI President, Youth Employment Researcher and Researcher. Employment looking for a career Minimum wage workers (apartment guard), small business representatives, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, r Representatives of lunch boxes and workers nearby have discussed. /2018.07.26 Photojournalists of Cheong Wa Dae

President Moon Jae-in visits the House of Hope in Gwanghwamun near Gwanghwamun in Seoul on the 26th as part of a dialogue with the Korean people . Participants were Park Yong-man, president of KCCI, job seeker for young people and job seeker looking for a career. Minimum wage workers (apartment guard), small business representatives, convenience stores, bookstores, restaurants, lunch box representatives, and nearby workers discussed. Cheong Wa Dae spokeswoman Kim Seung-tae said, "I thought the meetings were a light event (like a meeting with the citizens at work), but I think President Moon is seriously concerned about the Economy, The concept of the event has changed because I wanted to share the story. "

Moon made a promise last April when he was running for president, saying," I will be the president who will be able to stop at the Namdaemun market after work and share a drink with them. " Gwanghwamun, rather than Namdaemun, was part of the promise to open the "Gwanghwamun era" through the office move.

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